Sunday, June 18, 2006


I Ki. 22; 2 Chr. 18,19; Col. 4

Col. 4:6 “Let your conversation be always be full of grace, seasoned with salt so that you may know how to answer everyone.”


Paul final words are a reminder that how we act is more important than our talk. We need to walk the talk. They need to match. The way we live our lives and our conversation both need to draw people to Christ.


I need to hang around with positive people that are excited about Christ. I also need spend time with outsiders (unchurched) and be a positive witness in their lives.

Heavenly Father, help me not to have a critical spirit. Help me to live a life full of grace and help me to be salty and not bland or offensive.


Paulette said...

Hey Eddy' Paulette here. I love your blog and will visit it often. I am so glad you are the Pastor of Tampa Baptist. Love ya lots

Eddy Williams said...

Paulette! Great to hear from you! I hope that everyone is doing well at your house! We have VBS this week at our church! Pray for all the workers and the kids!