Thursday, December 11, 2008

Angels, Angels, Angels!

Philemon 1; Hebrews 1; Hebrews 2; Hebrews 3; Hebrews 4
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading


Hebrews 1

14 Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.


I believe that Angels are all around us …good ones and bad ones! The good ones are spirits sent to care for us and the bad ones harass us. I do know that Angels played a big part in the Christmas story. They have been God’s messengers when God needed to get someone’s attention. But I believe that their main job is to care of us – they take care of those that follow Christ!

I know a pastor that doesn’t believe that there is such a thing as a guardian Angel. He may not have one, but I sure do!


Even though God uses Angels to protect us I realize that Jesus Christ alone is my Savior and my real Protector.


Heavenly Father, Jesus is so much greater than the Angels that He created. He is the Creator God and they are created beings just like we are. Thank you for my salvation. Thank you for protecting my family and me. You are an awesome God.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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