Wednesday, February 18, 2009

He is Alive!

Numbers 3; Numbers 4; Acts 25
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading


Acts 25

19 Instead, it was something about their religion and a dead man named Jesus, who Paul insists is alive.


What makes Christianity different than all other religions is the fact that Jesus died and came back to life and is alive today! No other religious leaders have been able to do that …only God has power over death. When you and I die we cannot make ourselves come back to life. It is over.

Once we die our life here on earth is done.
Jesus died and came back to life after being dead for three days. He allowed Himself to be put to death in order to die for us – in our place – for our sins. He voluntarily gave His sinless life in exchange for our sinful lives then He came back to life. He is alive today. He has victory over death!


My faith is not in a dead man, no my faith is in the One that came back from the dead to save me!


Heavenly Father, thank You that I am able to serve a living God the One who has power over sickness and death. In fact, You have power over everything in both Heaven and earth … nothing escapes You. I pray for Jene Williams and I ask that you completely heal him. May they find nothing wrong, as they run test today I ask that You touch his body and fix anything that might need Your healing touch. I pray for my children and my grandchildren that You would draw them close to You. Soften their hearts and help them to walk with You.

I pray for the leaders of our church and our staff that today they would seek Your face and I pray that You would put the desire in their hearts to spend time with You. I pray for revival in our country. I pray for godly leaders to lead us through these days of turmoil. I pray for leaders that would have the mind of Christ and would lead our country in accordance to Your word. I pray for our President that he would seek Your face and make decisions based on knowledge of Your word. I ask that You would stop our country from making the murder of the unborn legal. You are the Mighty God and You are the giver and taker of life. You are Worthy of Praise!

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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