Monday, November 30, 2009

The Gift of Forgiveness!

Romans 1; Romans 2; Romans 3; Romans 4
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading


Romans 4

4 When people work, their wages are not a gift, but something they have earned. 5 But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners.


The Gift of Forgiveness, it cannot be earned but it seems like everyone tries to work their way to Heaven anyway. The Good News is that God has a Gift of Forgiveness that by faith we only need to accept. Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and He did it as a gift for us. A gift must be received before it becomes yours. Have you received God’s gift of forgiveness?


I will share this verse with the folks at Mission Tampa today!


Heavenly Father, help me explain Your plan of salvation today in a clear way so people will understand. Help our missionaries as they share at our academy and use them in the lives of our people as they speak to different small groups tonight.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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