Saturday, August 14, 2010

Take Heart!

Jeremiah 16; Jeremiah 17; Psalm 96; John 16
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading

“The LORD reigns!”


Psalm 96

1 Sing a new song to the LORD!
Let the whole earth sing to the LORD!
2 Sing to the LORD; praise his name.
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
3 Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
4 Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise!
He is to be feared above all gods.
5 The gods of other nations are mere idols,
but the LORD made the heavens!
6 Honor and majesty surround him;
strength and beauty fill his sanctuary.
7 O nations of the world, recognize the LORD;
recognize that the LORD is glorious and strong.
8 Give to the LORD the glory he deserves!
Bring your offering and come into his courts.
9 Worship the LORD in all his holy splendor.
Let all the earth tremble before him.
10 Tell all the nations, “The LORD reigns!”
The world stands firm and cannot be shaken.
He will judge all peoples fairly.
11 Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice!
Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise!
12 Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy!
Let the trees of the forest rustle with praise
13 before the LORD, for he is coming!
He is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with justice,
and the nations with his truth.


Just a little reminder just in case you need it this morning that “Our God Reigns!” He is in charge and He is in control.

I read the headlines this morning that our president is supporting the building of a mosque next to ground zero. Only in America would this even be a possibility of occurring. I agree that everyone needs to have the freedom to worship, but…there seems to be way more to this than a worship place. I think if our president was sincere he could have said that he believed that everyone should have the freedom to worship as they pleased, but everyone also needs to be sensitive to what happened on 9/11. It is like he has completely forgotten or he is completely ignoring the fact that we were attacked and thousands of Americans died. Something is very wrong in his way of thinking. This was not a hundred years ago; this was something that just happened less than ten years ago.

Psalm 96 is a good reminder to us that “Our Lord Reigns!”

This does not surprise Him! He is still in control. He is Sovereign this morning just as He always has been and just as He always will be.

Did you read John 16 this morning? Wow! Take time to read it. “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


I will pray to my Father in Heaven using the precious name of Jesus and I know that He hears me and will answer my prayers.


Heavenly Father, it is amazing what is happening in our country. The leadership of our country is abandoning You and we will pay for it. You are the Mighty One. You are in charge. You are in control. None of this surprises You and I pray that you would turn the leaders of our country in Your direction. I pray for our president today that He would seek Your face. I am concerned with the direction He is leading us, but I understand that he is not sovereign, he is not god, You are. He is putty in Your hands and I know that You will turn him ultimately in the direction that You want Him to go. It may be because our nation has abandoned You that You are allowing godless leadership to lead us so we can receive the discipline that we deserve. I recognize that You are in control and no one else. I will hold on to John 16:33 this morning, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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