Monday, October 26, 2015

Do You Think You Can Make Me A Christian So Quickly?

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

Do You
You Can Make Me A Christian So Quickly? 

The Apostle Paul never wasted an opportunity to be a witness for Christ! Standing in front of the King the Apostle Paul boldly challenged Agrippa to become a Christ follower. King Agrippa’s response to Paul causes me to think that the Holy Spirit was at work in the King’s life. He didn’t curse Paul or order to have him executed on the spot it seems to me that the message of salvation that Paul was preaching was making an impact and touching the King’s heart. We will not know until we get to Heaven everyone who responded to our witness.


Acts 26

[28] Agrippa interrupted him. "Do you think you can make me a Christian so quickly?" 

    [29] Paul replied, "Whether quickly or not, I pray to God that both you and everyone here in this audience might become the same as I am, except for these chains." 


The Apostle Paul never wasted an opportunity to be a witness for Christ! Standing in front of the King the Apostle Paul boldly challenged Agrippa to become a Christ follower. King Agrippa’s response to Paul causes me to think that the Holy Spirit was at work in the King’s life. He didn’t curse Paul or order to have him executed on the spot it seems to me that the message of salvation that Paul was preaching was making an impact and touching the King’s heart.

We will not know until we get to Heaven everyone who responded to our witness.

We sow the seed, others water and still others bring in the harvest!

There are people that God will place in our lives that will respond to our witness!

We just need to be ready and willing to share our faith!


I will be bold in my witness today. How about you?


Heavenly Father, I may not speak before Kings or anyone else that is important or powerful but I know that You will give me the opportunity today to be a witness for You. Help me to love the people that You bring into my life. Help me to love them. Help them to see Jesus in me. I pray that You open up their hearts so that they can receive the Gospel message. Give them spiritual understanding. I pray for their salvation. 

Daily Bible Reading:  Job 17; Acts 24-26; Psalm 25; Proverbs 26

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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