Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Those Who Listen To Instruction Will Prosper

Those Who
To Instruction Will Prosper
Proverbs 16
20 Those who listen to instruction will prosper;
    those who trust the Lord will be joyful.
Have you ever purposely stayed away from someone because you didn't want to hear what you knew what you thought that they were going to tell you?
I can remember doing that at times with my former pastor Dr. Waylon B. Moore when Kathy and I were new in our faith. There were a few times when Kathy and I made some decisions and I was afraid at first to share those decisions with him because I thought that he might challenge those choices that we were making. Even though I knew very well that he would challenge those decisions using God's Word and that he would have our best interest in mind.
There have been times in my life when I haven't listened to the godly advice of my wife and I have made some decisions that were very costly to our family. Those who listen to instruction will prosper.
You and I are to speak truth to those we love. We are to give godly counsel. It is not our place to judge, but it is our responsibility to challenge a brother or sister in Christ when we see them heading in the wrong direction.
What is the difference between giving godly counsel or godly advice and judging someone?
The difference to me can be summed up in three words “our heart attitude”.
If you think that I have written certain blogs purposely aimed at you then I must confess that you may be right. Kathy and I have family and friends that are going through financial struggles, marriage issues, drug and alcohol battles, health issues, and even recently the sudden death of a loved one. … So guilty as charged.
As I read my Bible everyday I come with an open heart asking God to show me how to help the people that He has brought into my life.
And if you are reading this blog then you happen to be one of those people that God has placed in my life and He wants me to be concerned about you.
I will continue to pray for and be concerned about the people that God has placed in my life. … How about you?

Heavenly Father, help me to always speak the truth in love. Don't ever let me judge someone because of what they are going through. I pray for those who are mad at me or disappointed in me because they think that my motive was to hurt them rather to help them. I pray that they are able to walk in victory. I pray that they receive instruction and help from someone and that they are able to walk in a close relationship with You.
Daily Bible Reading: Genesis 39,40,41; Luke 16; I added Psalm 16, Psalm 36; Proverbs 16

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