Saturday, June 23, 2018

Those Who Won't Care For Their Relatives, Especially Those In Their Own Household, Have Denied The True Faith.

Those Who Won't Care For Their Relatives,
Especially Those In Their Own Household,
Have Denied The True Faith.
1 Timothy 5
8 But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.
Our family and our extended family, they are so very important! At least I think so and I know that God thinks so! When we neglect them, or when we mistreat them, then the Bible says we are worse than unbelievers!
God has placed us in the family that we are in for a reason. He wants us to be there for them, to guide them, to help them, and encourage them.
I was with a friend yesterday who was sharing with me that now that he is retired that he goes over to his Mom's house almost every day, takes her breakfast and works on her house, and spends time with her. His Mom is 88 years old. It made me smile when I heard him share his daily routine and how much his Mom means to him.
My Mom died at 58 years of age and I have regrets about time that I didn't spend with her.
The point is this: Don't neglect your family. Don't let anything mess up your relationship with your parents or your siblings, or even with your cousins and your Aunts and Uncles. Love must win out … or we end up being the losers!
If a relationship in our family has been damaged – let's not make excuses, let's not try to shift the blame, let's just work on fixing it!
I will enjoy the time I get to spend with my family. How about you?
Heavenly Father, help me to be the best Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, Cousin and Friend that I can be. I pray for those in my family. Help them to walk in a close relationship with You. I pray that they can see Jesus in me by the way I live my life. Don't let my life cause them to stumble or distance themselves away from You. I pray for my children and my grandchildren. Help them to put all of their trust and all of their faith in You.
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Kings 10; 2 Chronicles 22,23; 1 Timothy 5; I added Psalm 23, Psalm 53; Proverbs 23

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