Thursday, February 28, 2019

Love Is Patient And Kind.

Patient And Kind.
1 Corinthians 13
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 
6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 
7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
Yesterday, while serving as one of the chaplains at the hospital I had the privilege of sitting with an elderly man whose life was about to come to an end.
Because of the trach tube in his throat he was no longer able to talk, but he was able to communicate with me and another chaplain. He used a writing pad and pen. As we sat with him we asked him if there was anything that we could do for him.
He pointed to a name and phone number on the writing pad. It was his wife's name and phone number. Then he showed me a sentence on the pad that he had already written out some time before we arrived.
Pointing to the sentence and pointing to his wife's name and phone number he let me know that he wanted me to repeat that sentence to his wife for him when I called her. The sentence was this, “I love you very much!”
I left the room sad, but I also left filled with admiration. Admiration for that man, who though decimated by his illness, wanted to still express his love for his wife any way that he could.
It is a reminder to me that I need to use the phrases - “I love you. I am sorry. Will you forgive me?”. I need to use them often while I still have the opportunity.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.” 
I will be kind and patient with Kathy.
How are you treating your spouse?

Heavenly Father, I am reminded everyday that life is short. You tell me in Your Word that my life is like breath, that it is like a vapor. Help me to use my time wisely, expressing love to the people that You have placed in my life. I know that “love one another” is a command and not a suggestion. Help me to do a better job of loving people.

I pray for my sister Bea today on her birthday. May Your face shine brightly on her and her family today. Bless her, Lord. May she sense Your love, Your power, and Your strength on her very special day!
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 24,25,26,27; 1 Corinthians 13

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

“Don't Be Afraid,” He Said. “Take Courage! I Am Here!”

Don't Be Afraid,” He Said.
Take Courage!
I Am Here!”
Mark 6
47 Late that night, the disciples were in their boat in the middle of the lake, and Jesus was alone on land. 
48 He saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. He intended to go past them, 
49 but when they saw him walking on the water, they cried out in terror, thinking he was a ghost. 
50 They were all terrified when they saw him. But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage! I am here!”
51 Then he climbed into the boat, and the wind stopped. They were totally amazed, 
52 for they still didn’t understand the significance of the miracle of the loaves. Their hearts were too hard to take it in.
There are so many great stories in these 5 chapters that it was really hard trying to decide which one I would write about! I hope that you have time to read at least some of these chapters today.
I can picture the disciples rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves at three o'clock in the morning when all of a sudden they see Jesus walking on the water coming towards them. Oh yes, I would be terrified too!
So what is the lesson? What was Jesus teaching His disciples? What does Jesus want us to learn from this story?
God's word or God's lesson for me is found verse 50, “Don't be afraid … Take Courage! I am here!”
While Jesus was still on land (vv. 47-48) Jesus was able to see His disciples (even in the darkness at 3 o'clock in the morning) and He knew that His disciples were in trouble.
No matter where you and I are, no matter what time it is, no matter what is going on in our lives, if we are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, then we can be assured that Jesus is always with us.
Over and over and over again through His Word He repeatedly tells us, “Don't be afraid … Take Courage! I am here!”
Matthew 28:20
... I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Romans 8:11,31,38
11 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.
31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?
38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.
I will not be afraid. Jesus is always with me … 24/7!
How about you?
Heavenly Father, thank You for all of the stories that You have placed in Your Word. Everyday I am reminded that You are always with me and that I am never alone. You remind me over and over again not be afraid.
I pray for any person that may be reading this simple blog today that might be filled with worry and fear. Help them to take these Scriptures to heart. Give them a super natural peace, a peace that passes all understanding as they trust in You.
Philippians 4:6-7
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 21,22,23; Mark 6,7

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Give Thanks To Him Who Alone Does Mighty Miracles. His Faithful Love Endures Forever.

Give Thanks To Him
Who Alone Does Mighty Miracles.
His Faithful Love Endures Forever.
Psalm 136
4 Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles.
His faithful love endures forever.

Do you realize that every time God answers one of our prayers He is performing a miracle? There are things, many, many things that are totally beyond our capacity to fix.
Our Heavenly Father made sure when He created us that He designed us to be dependent on Him.
And that is why we come across things almost on a daily basis that are impossible for us to face on our own.
It is these impossible situations that force us to look up and call on Him who is All-Powerful. Nothing is too hard for Him. Everything is possible with God.
Thank Him!
Mark 10:27
Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”
Psalm 66:5
Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people!
Luke 18:27
He replied, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.”
I will always pray asking God to do the miraculous. Nothing is too hard for Him!

Heavenly Father, I am your child. I know that you want me to ask you to do the impossibles in my life. Help me to pray first. Help me to trust you. When I can't see a way out. When I can't see a good outcome. Help me to trust your heart. You are mighty God. Nothing is too hard for you. Thank you for everything that you do for me. Every answer to prayer is a miracle. And I know that you are constantly at work in my life.
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 19,20; Psalms 28; Mark 5; I added: Psalm 126, Psalm 136; Proverbs 26

Monday, February 25, 2019

Teacher, Don't You Care That We're Going To Drown?

Don't You Care
That We're Going To Drown?
Mark 4
35 As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” 36 So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind (although other boats followed). 37 But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water.

38 Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?”
39 When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. 40 Then he asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
41 The disciples were absolutely terrified. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “Even the wind and waves obey him!”
This story is so fascinating! A fierce storm, high waves breaking into the boat with water pouring in, terrified disciples … Jesus fast asleep in the back of the boat with His head resting on a cushion. The disciples response to all of this, “Teacher, don't you care …?
You and I will one day also be knee deep in circumstances; it could be our pending death or the imminent death of a loved one, a life threatening illness, a financial crisis, a break up in a relationship, or some other calamity. And when we are drowning in those circumstances we also may be tempted to ask the question, “God, don't you care?”
This rough boat ride was a lesson for Jesus' disciples. It was a teachable moment. They would have many other teachable moments during their time with Jesus … and so will we.
If your ride is rough right now, you can be sure of this … Jesus does care!
This fierce storm that is mentioned in the Gospel of Mark didn't catch Jesus by surprise – What you and I go through might be terrifying for us, but it is nothing for Jesus to handle. Trust Him!
When I am facing difficult circumstances I will trust Jesus to rescue me.
How about you?
Heavenly Father, I know that You filled the Bible with stories like this one to increase my faith. Every storm that has come against me has had a purpose. I know that they are all intended to draw me closer to You. Help me to do just that with each new set of rough circumstances. Nothing touches my life that You do not allow.
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 17,18; Psalms 29; Mark 4

Sunday, February 24, 2019

He Who Guards Your Soul Knows You Knew.

Who Guards Your Soul
Knows You Knew.
Proverbs 24
12 Don’t excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we didn’t know.”
    For God understands all hearts, and he sees you.
He who guards your soul knows you knew.
    He will repay all people as their actions deserve.

Numbers 32
23 “But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the Lord, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.”

If there is a God, and yes, there is a God, then of course He understands all hearts, and He sees us. And God who guards our souls knows we knew.
When I read Proverbs 24:12 it reminded me of Numbers 32:23, “But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the Lord, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.”
God loves us, but He hates sin. He knows exactly what we do. He doesn't miss a thing. There is no such thing as secret sin. We might keep it secret for awhile but we can be sure that our sin will find us out.
God knows and He knows that we know when we sin. So what should we do? We must confess our sins. “But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” 1 John 1:9
So lets not make excuses. Lets not blame those around us. God understands all hearts, and He sees us. God who guards our souls knows we knew. He will repay all of us as our actions deserve. (Proverbs 24:12 personalized)
I will confess my sins as I commit them.
How about you?
Heavenly Father, I know that there is not one detail of my life that escapes Your attention. You see me 24/7. I know that there are times when my actions make You sad. I know that You love me but You hate sin. Help me to not yield to temptation. Keep me strong. When I do sin don't let me let it go unconfessed. Bring conviction immediately to my life and don't let me make excuses or blame someone else when I sin.
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 14,15,16; Mark 3; Psalm 24, Psalm 94; Proverbs 24

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Moses Was A Very Humble Man. In Fact, He Was More Humble Than Anyone Else On The Face Of The Earth.

Moses Was A Very Humble Man.
In Fact, He Was
More Humble Than Anyone Else On The Face Of The Earth.
Numbers 12
3 Moses was a very humble man. In fact, he was more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.
John 13
3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

The Bible says, “Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.Philippians 2:3 and it also says, “If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.” Galatians 6:3 … God wants me and you to have a servant's heart.
How are we doing with that?
There are some of you that read this blog that amaze me by the way you serve the Lord. You challenge me by your example. When I pray for you, I praise God for your servant's heart.
Moses was a great leader. Yet, he was more humble than anyone on the face of the earth.
The challenge for me, as I read about Moses, is to remember that I live to please an Audience of One … and his name is Jesus! And the only way that I can serve Him is by serving others.
One day I want to hear these words from Jesus … “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
How about you?
Heavenly Father, give me a heart like Moses! Help me to see others as more important than myself. Help me to always remember that You have called me to be a servant. It is battle, Lord. So many times I catch myself wanting others to do things for me.
I pray for my friends who are sick. I pray for healing. I pray for those who are grieving the death of a loved one. Bring them comfort, Lord and surround them with people who can encourage them.
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 12,13; Psalms 90; Mark 2

Friday, February 22, 2019

Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled. You Believe In God; Believe Also In Me.

Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled.
You Believe In God;
Believe Also In Me.
John 14
1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 

2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 

4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”

5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Today at 10 AM I have the privilege of sharing this scripture at a graveside service at Florida National Cemetery for a childhood and high school friend, Marshall Harrington. We were recently reacquainted through Facebook.
The Saturday before he went to be with the Lord I had gone to see him out at Florida Hospital @ Pepin Heart Institute. We laughed and we talked about our childhood. Marshall shared how he had gone into the military after suffering an injury that would have kept him from playing any more football. He became a sharp shooter in the military.
Marshall was very happily married and he talked about his wife Pam more than anything else that day.
Marshall was waiting to get one more stent in his heart and that was planned for the following Monday - just two days away. It was a shock for me to hear that during the night of that very same Saturday that Marshall had a heart attack and he went to be with Jesus.
Two things I know for sure about Marshall: He loved the Lord and Marshall loved his wife, Pam.
John 14:1-6 is one of the passages that I will share at the graveside. It was one of Marshall's favorites.
1 Corinthians 2:9
That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love him."


I will see Marshall again and there will be plenty of time to talk.
Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
Heavenly Father, I pray for Pam Harrington today as she grieves the loss of her husband. Give her strength. I pray that You, the God of all comfort and all compassion, will wrap Your arms around her and take care of her. Thank You for allowing me to have the opportunity to talk with Marshall and spend a little time with him before You took Him home. I pray for any person reading this blog today who is suffering a loss. Give them strength. Help them to trust you during this difficult time.
John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; [26] and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 10,11; Psalms 27; Mark 1

Thursday, February 21, 2019

His Faithful Promises Are Your Armor And Protection.

Faithful Promises
Are Your Armor And Protection.
Psalm 91
1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
    will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

2 This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
    he is my God, and I trust him.

3 For he will rescue you from every trap
    and protect you from deadly disease.

4 He will cover you with his feathers.
    He will shelter you with his wings.
    His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

God has made thousands of promises to us and they are all found in our Bible. They are available to us 24/7! Those promises according to Psalm 91 are our armor and our protection!
I was with a grief stricken family yesterday at the hospital and as they grieved the sudden and unexpected death of their loved one, the sister of the deceased began quoting Psalm 23.
Her reliance on the Word of God was a reminder to me that we can carry God's faithful promises around with us in our hearts and those promises are indeed our armor and our protection!
Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! … Even when walking through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way.” Psalm 23:1,4
This family grieved. And yes, it was a horrific and totally unexpected situation that they found themselves in, but they did not grieve without hope. They clung to the precious promises of our God.
We should follow their example and do the same!
2 Corinthians 1:20
For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.
Psalm 18:30
What a God he is! How perfect in every way! All his promises prove true. He is a shield for everyone who hides behind him.
Psalm 56:10-11
I am trusting God—oh, praise his promises! I am not afraid of anything mere man can do to me! Yes, praise his promises.
Psalm 119:114
You are my refuge and my shield, and your promises are my only source of hope.
When I go through difficult times I will hold on tightly to the promises of my God.
How about you?
Heavenly Father, You have given us hope. Even during terrible times I am not without hope. I pray for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Give them strength through Your Word. May they cling to Your promises during this difficult time. Help me to be your hands and your feet to those who are going through difficult times. Thank You for the testimony and the witness of the believers that I get to meet while I am at the hospital and the confident hope that they have in You.
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 8,9; Acts 28; I added: Psalm 61, Psalm 91, Proverbs 21

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

So Take Courage! For I Believe God. It Will Be Just As He Said.

So Take Courage!
For I Believe God.
It Will Be Just As He Said.
Acts 27
25 So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said.
Psalm 23
1 Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need!
4 Even when walking through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way.
God talks to us everyday through His Word, the Bible. If you are reading your Bible daily then you know what I am talking about ... you know that He is speaking to you too! 
Over and over and over again in one way or another all through His Word God tells us, “So take courage! Believe in Me. It will be just as I have said.”
And God lets us know over and over and over again as we read His Word that because He is our Shepherd, we have everything we need!
Story after story after story, promise after promise after promise, are all laid out in God's Word to us to drive home the fact that if God is for us who can be against us!
If you and I are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ then God's Word for us today is “Take courage! Believe in God. It will be just as God has said.”
Trust Him!
Psalm 40:5
O Lord my God, many and many a time you have done great miracles for us, and we are ever in your thoughts. Who else can do such glorious things? No one else can be compared with you. There isn’t time to tell of all your wonderful deeds.
Romans 8:31
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?
In the midst of my circumstances I will trust God. I will take courage. I will hold on to all of His promises.
How about you?
Heavenly Father, thank You for letting me have the privilege and the freedom to read Your Word everyday. Everyday I am reminded by You that You love me and that You will take care of me. I pray for any person reading this blog today that is going through a difficult time. Help them Lord to hold on to all of Your promises. I pray for the sick. I pray for healing. I pray for those who are grieving. Give them hope. Meet the deep needs of their lives.
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 7; Psalms 23; Acts 27

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

May The Lord Bless You And Protect You. May The Lord Smile On You And Be Gracious To You. May The Lord Show You His Favor And Give You His Peace.

May The Lord Bless You And Protect You.
May The Lord Smile On You And Be Gracious To You.
May The Lord Show You His Favor And Give You His Peace.
Numbers 6
24 ‘May the Lord bless you
    and protect you.
25 May the Lord smile on you
    and be gracious to you.
26 May the Lord show you his favor
    and give you his peace.’

Don't know what to pray for your spouse? Don't know what to pray for your children? Don't know how to pray for your boss? Why not pray a blessing over them! If you look at all the blessings that people prayed in the Bible you will discover that God honored those blessings and God blessed those people because people prayed a blessing. Can't think of one – why not Numbers 6:24!
I will pray Numbers 6:24 and ask God to bless Kathy!
How about you? Who needs for you to bless them?
Heavenly Father, This is my prayer for Kathy today, “May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.’ (Numbers 6:24 personalized)
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 5,6; Psalms 22; Acts 26

Monday, February 18, 2019

This Is The Day The Lord Has Made. We Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It.

This Is The Day
The Lord Has Made.
We Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It.
Psalm 118
24 This is the day the Lord has made.
    We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 138
8 The Lord will work out his plans for my life—
    for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.
    Don’t abandon me, for you made me.
I have been interning as a chaplain here in Tampa for the past couple of weeks at Tampa General Hospital here in Tampa. It is a trauma center for the 20 surrounding counties in our area.
So I have quickly found out that a lot of a chaplain's time is spent up in the trauma center ministering to patients or ministering to the families of the people that have suffered gun shot wounds, stabbings, vehicle accidents, etc., or on the palliative care floor with patients close to death or with the families of someone who has just died.
But last night I had the opportunity to visit a sick patient on a regular floor of the hospital along with the other chaplain who I was shadowing (I am in training).
While listening to this patient it quickly became evident to me that she had made a choice – she had made the decision that she was going to be miserable.
And she had plenty to be miserable about, she was sick, she only had one son and he would not come and visit her. She was very hurt and angry and felt very alone.
We listened to her, encouraged her, and prayed with her, but I don't think we were able to get her to see that everyday all of us have a choice. We have a choice how we face life. Yes, we choose how we face the things that life throws at us.
Psalm 118:24 is a reminder to me that this week, as I start today, Monday, that Eddy Williams has a choice: I can either choose to be miserable, or even though I am in a lot of pain, I can rejoice and be glad! It is my choice.
So how are we going to choose to live out the next 7 days of our lives?
Complaining ... Whining … or Rejoicing?
This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.
How about you?
Heavenly Father, help me to trust in You as I start out this week. I know that You will work out Your plans for my life -- For Your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for You made me. I pray for those going through rough times right now. Help them to choose to rejoice in You in spite of their circumstances. Help them not to become bitter. Help them to see Your Hand in all that is happening in his or her life.
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 3,4; Acts 25; I added: Psalm 118, Psalm 138, Proverbs 18

Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Lord Directs The Steps Of The Godly. He Delights In Every Detail Of Their Lives.

The Lord Directs The Steps Of The Godly.
Delights In Every Detail Of Their Lives.
Psalm 37
23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
    He delights in every detail of their lives.

I love this verse! It gives me so much hope!
Because I don't just have a God that loves me, I have a God who delights in every detail of my life. A godly person is a person who has made the decision to put God first in his or her life.
It does not mean we are perfect.
I like the idea that the Lord is directing my steps. I make plenty of blunders in life even while God is directing my steps. It would be really bad if He wasn't guiding me.
God wants to delight in you too. All you have to do is begin to put Him first in your life.
Psalm 37
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Matthew 6
33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
I will put God first in my life today!
How about you?

Heavenly Father, You know that I am blown away by the fact that You delight in me. I don't deserve it. You are amazing. I can't understand how You can love and delight in someone like me, but You do. I pray for any person that may be reading this blog today that doesn't feel loved today. I pray for the person who is discouraged today. May Psalm 37 speak to his or her heart.
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 1,2; Acts 24
> I have made it a habit to pray for those who read this blog! I enjoy lifting you and your family up to the Lord in prayer.