Friday, February 15, 2019

O Lord, I Give My Life To You.

O Lord,
I Give
My Life To You.
Psalm 25
1 O Lord, I give my life to you.
Has there ever been a time in your life when you prayed and surrendered your life to the Lord Jesus Christ?
You and I have a choice once we hear that Jesus came to this Earth to save us; we can either choose to live for him or we can reject His claim on our life and we can live life for ourselves.
So let me ask you, have you ever given Jesus your life?
How do we do that? We pray and we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins. We ask Him to come into our lives and we allow Him to take control.
There is a void in your life and in my life that only Jesus can fill. Neither drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, fame or anything else can fill that void in our lives.
I was 19 years old when someone told me about Jesus and gave my life to Him. It was the best decision that I ever made.
Have you made that decision yet?
It is a simple prayer: “Lord Jesus: I know that I am a sinner. I know that You died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. Come into my life and save me. I give you my life.”
But just mouthing those words won't automatically save you any more than pushing a wheelbarrow into a garage makes it a car, but I know from personal experience that praying those words with a sincere and repentant heart will make an eternal, life changing difference in your life and your life will never be the same!
I will look for opportunities to share this Good News about Jesus Christ with someone this week.
How about you? Do you know Him? Have you given Him your life?
Heavenly Father, I pray today for any person reading this blog who may still be trying to live his or her life without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Open up his or her spiritual heart. Help them to believe in You. I pray that they will surrender and give their lives to You today.
I pray for those who must make very difficult decisions today about their loved ones. Give them strength. Give them peace in the midst of their grief.
I pray for my family. I would love to see them all walking with You. You know that it is my biggest request. I will never give up praying on their behalf.
Nothing is too hard for You!
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 25; Psalms 25,26; Acts 22

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