Friday, November 01, 2019

Let The Little Children Come To Me. Don't Stop Them, For The Kingdom Of God Belongs To Such As These.

Let The Little Children Come To Me.
Don't Stop Them,
For The Kingdom Of God Belongs To Such As These.
Mark 10
13 Some people were bringing little children to Him so He might touch them, but His disciples rebuked them. 
14 When Jesus saw it, He was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me. Don’t stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 
15 I assure you: Whoever does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 
16 After taking them in His arms, He laid His hands on them and blessed them.
Trick or Treat … Last night we had kids come to our door non stop until 9 PM that's when we ran out of candy!
Oh my goodness ... it was awesome!
Our next-door neighbor made a spook house out of their carport and said that they had 500 kids and adults go through it!
I know that the backdrop to Halloween is evil, but it was good seeing people in our neighborhood being so giving.
Most (but not all) of our grandkids were over at our house last night and I think that they all had a lot of fun.
Our five-year-old granddaughter Amelie loves to help us pass out candy to the kids when they come to our house. Last night when we finally ran out of candy Amelie said to Kathy, “Grandma, we can give them my candy!”
You and I need the trusting heart of a child. We need the childlike faith. Let's not let our hearts get hardened to the things of God.

A group of University of South Florida College students who are connected with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship came by our house last night asking for can goods instead of candy to be able to feed the hungry. I was impressed by their witness. I need to think of how to be a better witness to all the trick or treaters that come to our door.
Heavenly Father, help me to be a light in the darkness. Help me to use every opportunity that comes my way to share my faith. Give me a heart that is trusting. Give me childlike faith. I pray for my children, their spouses, and all 15 of my grandchildren. Help all of them to place their faith and trust in You. Don't let any of them miss Heaven because of a hard heart.
Thank You for allowing Kathy and I the opportunity to celebrate 50 years of marriage today! She is absolutely the best gift that You have ever given me. You are a God of grace because I sure don't deserve such a wonderful wife. Smile on her today with Your favor!
Daily Bible Reading: Psalms 121; Mark 9,10

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