Friday, March 15, 2013

When We Have The Opportunity To Do Good To Anyone, We Should Do It.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
Deuteronomy 28; Deuteronomy 29; Galatians 6

When We Have The Opportunity 

To Do Good To Anyone,

We Should Do It.


Galatians 6

10 When we have the opportunity to do good to anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers.


A pastor friend of ours recently (just a few weeks ago) had one of his men suddenly die of a stroke. This man who passed away was also a very good friend of ours. His wife was left all alone with no one to help her. She had no family that could help her. She was one year shy of being 80 years old and totally dependent on her pastor and others in the church. 

This pastor friend, who happens to be pastor of one of the largest Baptist churches in our area, spent almost every day since our friend’s death taking care of his widow because she needed his help. 

He is a very busy guy, but he rearranged his schedule to take care of our friend. He took her to the doctor, to the bank and even took her to the Veterinarian (she has a cat). He took her to look at places to live where she would have people to care for her. I could go on and on sharing with you everything that this pastor and his wife have done for this widow. 

Kathy and I were visiting this dear friend the other day when her pastor and his wife came to take her to her bank and other places. Just a few minutes before this pastor came to the house we had been listening to her share about everything that he had done for her. Kathy and I were amazed. It was a humbling and wonderful experience.

When I read this verse this morning I immediately thought of all that this pastor did for this widow and my eyes filled with tears. He and his wife have always been very special to Kathy and I, but now our appreciation for them cannot be expressed in words.

Back in October, 2011, when I was in the coronary intensive care unit suffering from a massive heart attack and not expected to live, this same pastor assured Kathy that if there was anything that she needed just to let him know and he would help her. His words to Kathy back then mean more to me now than ever before.


 I am going to ask God to make me more like this pastor.


Heavenly Father, help me to do good things for people without complaining. Help me do things for other people with a good attitude. It is my desire to have a heart for serving others like this pastor friend of mine. I pray that you continue to bless this man of God and I pray that you bless his wife too. Thank You for allowing me to hear this woman brag about her pastor and his wife. It gives me tremendous joy just to think about it this morning.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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