Monday, October 14, 2013

Oh The Joys Of Those Who Do Not Follow The Advice Of The Wicked

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
Nehemiah 11; Nehemiah 12; Psalm 1; Acts 3


The Joys Of Those Who Do Not 

Follow The Advice Of The Wicked


Psalm 1

Oh, the joys of those who do not
    follow the advice of the wicked,
    or stand around with sinners,
    or join in with mockers.

But they delight in the law of the Lord,
    meditating on it day and night.

They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
    bearing fruit each season.

Their leaves never wither,
    and they prosper in all they do.


Living a godly life brings with it a lot of rewards. Do we delight in God’s Word? Do we meditate on it day and night?

If we do then Psalm 1 is all about us! We will be like a tree planted down close to the riverbank. We will be fruitful. We will be prosperous.

I like Joshua 1:8. It goes right along with Psalm 1.

 “Be sure that the book of the Law is always read in your worship. Study it day and night, and make sure that you obey everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”  Joshua 1:8


I will meditate on God’s Word today. How about you?


Heavenly Father, I watch people choose to live lives apart from You. They choose to live lives that are not prosperous and are not successful. I pray for those struggling with life today. I pray that they would put You first. I pray that they would turn from sin and self and turn to You. Open their spiritual eyes so they can see the Truth. Thank You for the joy in my life that comes from walking with You. You give my life meaning and purpose. 

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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