Wednesday, January 30, 2019

An Adulterous Woman Consumes A Man, Then Wipes Her Mouth And Says, “What's Wrong With That?”

An Adulterous Woman Consumes A Man,
Then Wipes Her Mouth And Says,
What's Wrong With That?”
Proverbs 30
20 An adulterous woman consumes a man,
    then wipes her mouth and says, “What’s wrong with that?”

What I have noticed and maybe you have too is that when someone gets caught committing adultery regardless of whether its a man or its a woman they seem to always try to defend their behavior by blaming someone else!
In other words, “What's wrong with that?”
But the truth is when you or I step over the line, if we ever did, or if we ever do, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
I warn couples all the time to be on their guard. I tell them that Satan will bring someone into their path that will be attracted to them other than their spouse and Satan will do it right at the time the couple is going through a rough time in their marriage.
Plain and simple: Satan intends to kill, steal, and destroy your marriage.
So lets establish and maintain guardrails for our marriage so Satan will not be successful in derailing the relationship that we have with our spouse.
You and I do have an enemy that wants to destroy our marriage and it is not our spouse.
I will guard my relationship with my wife.
How about you?
Heavenly Father, I see so many couples who are not experiencing what You intended for them to experience in their marriage. And Satan is ready to pounce on them. Lord, I pray for them. If they would only put You first in their lives and if they would only put each other second it would make all the difference in the world. They could experience a marriage like You planned for them. You know who I am praying for. You know who needs to repent. You know who needs to put You back on the throne in their life. Help them to do that today.
Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 25,26,27; Acts 6; I added: Psalm 60, Psalm 90; Proverbs 30

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