Thursday, January 10, 2019

“And, Love Your Neighbor As Yourself.”

Your Neighbor As Yourself.”
Luke 10
27 The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Have you ever heard someone say something like this, “I love God, its just people that I don't like!”
If you and I have trouble loving people then it is a very real and very serious indication that we have a heart problem. Who do you have trouble loving right now? Why?
My friend, the story of the Good Samaritan, which is found in Luke 10 lets us know that we don't have the freedom to pick and choose who we love and who we don't.
Red and yellow, black and white, they are all precious in God's sight.
God is no respecter of persons. In Acts 10:28 Peter said “... You know it is against the Jewish laws for me to come into a Gentile home like this. But God has shown me in a vision that I should never think of anyone as inferior.”
Oh, now don't get me wrong, God is going to place some people in our lives as “spiritual sandpaper”, and yes they are going to rub us the wrong way! But God is going to use those people to shape us to be more like His Son Jesus Christ!
And, yes, it will take all that we have to love them like Jesus wants us to love them, but we've got to do it!
I will show love to my “sandpaper people”.
How about you?
Heavenly Father, don't let me think of myself as better than anyone else. Don't let me miss the opportunity to be a Good Samaritan to someone in need. Give me Your Heart for the people around me. Help me to love the unlovely. Help me to love people the way You love them.
I pray for those who are dealing with sickness. I pray for healing. I pray for those who are have marriage problems. Heal their marriages. Help them to put You first and to put their spouse second and put themselves last!
Daily Bible Reading: Genesis 25,26; Psalms 6; Luke 10

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