Thursday, July 27, 2006

Counting Down!

Isaiah 50; Isaiah 51; Isaiah 52; Psalm 92; 2 Peter 1


Psalm 92:12-14 “But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted into the LORD's own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.

2 Peter 1:14 “But the Lord Jesus Christ has shown me that my days here on earth are numbered ...”.


Old age…Grand Pa…Sore Aching Bones…But… God still can use me. I can still produce fruit. I can still remain vital! I can still flourish like a palm tree…if I am godly! Growing old and realizing that my days are numbered doesn’t mean that I have less value to the Kingdom! That is a lie from the Evil One that I am not going to accept.


The key to being successful in the latter part of one’s life is to remain godly. I plan to continue to read, pray, and meditate on His Word every day!


Heavenly Father, thank you that you continue to use us even as we get older! Thank you for blessing me with so much. I am very tired of packing and moving boxes, but thankful that you have blessed us with so much stuff. Thank you for providing for our every need. You are a Wonderful God.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!


Anonymous said...


No matter what our age, young or old, our days are numbered. We just don't know when that number will be up. Thats all in God's planning and we have to live everyday like it could be our last at make the most of it! (Did I just say that?) Some things we know in our minds but are harder to accept in our hearts (feelings).

Anyway... You are not old for like, the millionth time. You don't even qualify for Senior Citizens discounts yet do you?

I'm a few years younger but I can relate to the aching bones, the headaches, etc....Lord give me a new body and I'll be ready for just about anything! ;)

I don't feel like I am as old as I am, so quite making me feel worse.

No, actually, I get by everyday, knowing that there is someone who is far worse off than I am. That no matter what, as long as I am still breathing God will be using me for something! But I can't wait for that day in Heaven when I will have a new body and everything will be perfect! No pain, no suffering and the reunion with loved ones previously gone before us!

Even those that have died before us and have already gone to heaven are still used by God to influence us today!
God Bless us All! Let there be Peace in the World!

Anonymous said...

ooops, Maybe God can see fit to work on my typing skills, spelling and the use of the english language some too!

Its been one of those tiring days!
God give me strength to accomplish what I need to do the rest of this week!

Eddy Williams said...


Today is the day to get completely worn out! We have just about got everything moved to the storage except for the heaviest things! So it will be good to get this behind us.

God is very Good!
