Monday, November 27, 2017

The Lord Is My Fortress, Protecting Me From Danger, So Why Should I Tremble?

The Lord
Is My Fortress, Protecting Me From Danger,
So Why Should I Tremble?
Psalm 27
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation—
    so why should I be afraid?
The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger,
    so why should I tremble?
2 When evil people come to devour me,
    when my enemies and foes attack me,
    they will stumble and fall.
3 Though a mighty army surrounds me,
    my heart will not be afraid.
Even if I am attacked,
    I will remain confident.
14 Wait patiently for the Lord.
    Be brave and courageous.
    Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
I don't know how much time you spend reading the Psalms, but as you can probably see Eddy doesn't go too many days without reading a Psalm or two.
Today it was three!
Psalm 27 and Psalm 57 both deal with King David and how he handled being attacked by people that opposed him. He spent a lot of his time on the run being hunted down by people that wanted to kill him.
Maybe you and I don't have people that want to kill us, but we probably all have, if we are honest enough to admit it, people that oppose us and seem to want to do us harm.
I want everybody to like me, and you probably do too, but I am sorry to inform you my friend, but that is not going to happen.
Jesus was perfect and they crucified Him. You and I are not perfect, but if we are striving to be like Jesus then we will face opposition and persecution! Count on it!
These people that are rubbing us the wrong way are God's spiritual sandpaper. God will use these folks to sand us off and shape us.
We are a work in progress. God is sanding off our rough edges to make us more like His Son Jesus. Do we like it? No way, because it is very, very painful.
So as I deal with the difficult people in my life I will hold on to passages like Psalm 27 and Psalm 57 and a whole lot of other passages in God's Word knowing that He has my back, He is on my side, and He will take care of me. … How about you?
Heavenly Father, I will wait patiently for You, Lord. I will be brave and courageous. Yes, I will wait patiently for You.
Daily Bible Reading: Psalms 125; Matthew 26,27; Psalm 27, Psalm 57; Proverbs 27

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