Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Even When I Walk Through The Darkest Valley, I Will Not Be Afraid, For You Are Close Beside Me.

Even When I Walk Through The Darkest Valley,
I Will Not Be Afraid,
For You Are Close Beside Me.
Psalm 23
1 The Lord is my shepherd;
    I have all that I need.
4 Even when I walk
    through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid,
    for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
    protect and comfort me.
Last night at the hospital as I was talking to a patient, she said, “I don't know how people make it without a relationship with the Lord.” I had to agree with her, “I don't know how they do it either!” The doctors had just found and removed a mass in her abdomen and even though the doctors hadn't gotten the results back yet she knew that it might be cancer.
Every single one of us are going to go through dark valleys in our lives. But we don't have to go through them alone.
I don't know about you, but I am so glad that the Lord is my Shepherd and I have everything that I need. I am so glad that I can say just what King David said, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me.”
Amazingly, I still hear people say that the Covid 19 virus is just a big hoax and that it is not a big deal. They will say that the common flu is worse than the Covid 19 virus. If you are one of those people, I wish that you could come and visit the Covid patients in the hospital. Last night, I talked to several of them on the phone (since they are in isolation chaplains don't go into their rooms to visit). ... trust me it is no hoax.
And a lot of them that I spoke to last night were in their 30's … don't think you're invincible!
The Psalmist didn't say, “If I walk through the darkest valley” ... No, he said, “When”!
Because the Lord is my Shepherd I have everything I need!
How about you?

Heavenly Father, I am so glad that You are my Shepherd and I have everything that I need. I know that when I walk through the darkest valley I won't need to be afraid because You are going to be right beside me. And I know that nothing can touch my life without Your permission. Help me to live wisely and not foolishly. Give me good sense, give me godly wisdom to be able to make good decisions. Don't let me be influenced and swayed negatively by social media, or by the constant barrage of misinformation now put out via the television and the internet that is contrary to what you clearly say in Your Word.
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Kings 10; 2 Chronicles 22,23; 1 Timothy 5; I added: Psalm 23, Proverbs 23

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