Thursday, June 04, 2020

With God's Help We Will Do Mighty Things, For He Will Trample Down Our Foes.

With God's Help
We Will Do Mighty Things,
For He Will Trample Down Our Foes.
Psalms 60
12 With God’s help we will do mighty things,
    for he will trample down our foes.
With God's help … I talked to a man last night who has destroyed his liver with too much drinking. He told me that he has not had a drink for the past 3 months. The doctors have told him that if he drinks again that he will die.
You would think that hearing that news that it would be enough not to drink again, but I have seen too many men and women go right back to drinking even after receiving that warning.
As we talked together I shared with him that 'will power' won't be enough to conquer this enemy. He was going to need God's help and with God's help he could have victory over this enemy.
I told him about the ministry that we have at our church called “Celebrate Recovery”. This is a 12 step program like AA, but unlike AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), Celebrate Recovery acknowledges that Jesus Christ is the Higher Power.
Celebrate Recovery, under the leadership of Orville Renner and his wife Linda have helped hundreds of people walk in sobriety.
Alcohol, drugs, and sexual immorality destroy so many lives, so many marriages, so many dreams. These enemies, without God's help will continue to wreck people's lives and that might be wrecking your life or the life of a loved one right now.
I really believe that the man I spoke to last night wants to walk in sobriety. For his sake and for his family's sake I pray that he will join a support group like Celebrate Recovery and I pray that he will put God first in his life.
Do you have a secret struggle with alcohol, drugs, or pornography? If you do it is or it soon will destroy you and your family. It is destroying the wonderful things that God could do with your life.
God wants to use your life to bring Him glory and He can't do that until you understand how much He loves you.
Get help!
I will continue to point people to God and continue recommending ministries and support groups like “Celebrate Recovery”.
How about you? Do you or someone you know need help?
Get help now!

Heavenly Father, I know that so many people struggle with enemies and they are trying to do it on their own. Satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy and unless they seek Your help I know that he will be successful in wrecking and destroying their lives. Give them the courage and the boldness to get help. Help them swallow their pride and admit their struggle to someone who can help them walk in victory.
I pray for the man I talked to last night at the hospital. Save his life. Save his marriage. Help him to bring You honor and glory by asking You for Your help.
Daily Bible Reading: Proverbs 28,29; Psalms 60; Romans 16

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