Saturday, November 26, 2011

Serving The Lord By Serving People

Serving The Lord By Serving People


Matthew 23

11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.


I just had a visit from someone from Christ Fellowship and she was so excited because she has found a place to serve at our church and now she is excited about going to church. I had a visit the other day from one of our young men and he had just served in our preschool. He also volunteers in our greeter’s ministry. He is so excited about our church.

If you are serving at your church in any capacity I hope that you grasp the importance of these verses. I had someone write me from Jacksonville and she said that what I had written earlier about serving made her rethink why she was serving in the choir at her church.

Having a servant’s heart is something that happens when you stay in a close relationship with Christ. As you try out places to serve at your church let me encourage to keep trying different ministries until you find the place where you excel. I love being involved in the greeter ministry at Christ Fellowship, but I would not serve well if I tried to be in the choir or the praise team. Wow … that would be a disaster.

I look forward to the day when I can be back serving my Lord by serving the people that God draws to Christ Fellowship. I love people. I love encouraging people. I love to help make people more successful. Let me encourage you to serve the Lord faithfully with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength.

My wife, Kathy has a servant’s heart. I am putting her to a huge test these days. She has had to stay right with me and I have not always had the best attitude during this first week at home. I also love to watch her serve at church. She is amazing. God has gifted her in so many ways to be able to serve in the way she does.


I will work from here at the house for right now and try to encourage every person that comes to visit me and challenge them to serve with all their might! Pastor Bruce needs so many more people to say, “YES” to serving.


Heavenly Father, may Your mighty Holy Spirit move through out our church and stir hundreds to say “Yes” to serving You. You are doing something very special at our church. You are moving people to do things that they had never done before. They are volunteering and serving and it is exciting. Help every person that is serving to understand the principle of being a servant and having a servant’s heart. Thank You for doing such a mighty work in the hearts of our people. Use Pastor Bruce tomorrow along with the testimonies of our missionaries to change many lives. You are worthy of Praise.

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