Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"We have left everything to follow you!"

Psalm 121; Mark 9; Mark 10


Mark 10:28-31 Peter said to him, "We have left everything to follow you!"
29"I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel 30will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life. 31But many who are first will be last, and the last first."


I like the first part of this passage. The part that says that everyone that has left family, homes, fields etc will receive a hundred times as much in this present age, I like. I don’t like the last part…and with them, persecutions!

Kathy and I are celebrating our 37th wedding anniversary today, November 1st! It is hard to believe that she has put up with me that long! She deserves a medal! Kathy is my best friend. She is the best wife any guy could ever ask for. She has been a tremendous support to me during our ministry. I received a card this week from Kathy. She mailed it to my office here at church.

She wrote, “I am proud to call you “my” pastor. Your love for God and the people you are called to serve is an inspiration to me. I wish everyone could see your heart the way I do.” WOW! Isn’t she great! I am very proud of her. She is the very best wife, the very best mom, and the very best Grandma, in the world!


I am going to spend Thursday and Friday with Kathy at the beach to show how much I appreciate her! God has blessed us with so much. We have been away from our families for most of our married life. We have moved many, many times. We have sold all of our possessions 4 different times, but God has blessed many times over as we have served Him. So when we experience a little persecution we need to remember that it just goes with the calling and ministry!


Father, bless Kathy today! Continue to use her in my life to keep me focused on you and to keep my life balanced. She is a wonderful gift from you. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy these 37 years together with her in marriage! I am so blessed! Bless her with health and continue to use her to touch the lives of my children and my grandchildren in their walk with You!

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!


Anonymous said...

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Your relationship is an example and a blessing to me!

luvdarodeo said...


That brought a tear to my eye and I'm not a softie (OK I am just don't tell anyone). YOu and Kathy are an inspiration to me! I am so happy you are my pastor and she is my pastor's wife. What a great leadership for our church your example is a wonderful one to follow. I am so thrilled to see the new couples at our church. I enjoy the fellowship of other couples our age and that are eager to serve the Lord. I am thrilled to be in class with Josie & Bob I have never had the opportunity to get to know them but just seeing them you can see how much they love the Lord and that is amazing. I can't wait to be married to Terry for 37 years, he is my best friend and a great guy - the Lord sent him to me and I am thankful and proud and happy. And happy my friends come to church now to and the church accepts them. Dave was worried b/c of his tattoos and I told him don't be - these people LOVE THE LORD and will love you! And you all proved me right!

Thanks and I love you and Kathy!


Eddy Williams said...


I just saw that you had replied to what I had blogged about Kathy! I will show Kathy what you wrote.

I am glad that Terry is your best friend and I can't imagine you guys when you have been married for 37 years. I can't visualize you and Terry that old! Interesting comment about Dave and his Tattoos! I didn't even notice his tattoos!