Thursday, February 20, 2014

The LORD Is My Shepherd; I Have All That I Need.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
Numbers 7; Psalm 23; Acts 27 

The LORD Is My Shepherd;

I Have All That I Need. 


Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd;
    I have all that I need.


I have just come back from Southern India. Images of rural India still fill my head. Outside of the cities, out in the villages most people live a very simple and difficult life. Along the roadside women and men are seen carrying huge loads of all sorts of things somehow balancing them on their heads. Out in the fields men and women are seen working the fields bent over using a very short handle hoe to work the fields. Many are seen walking down the roads bare footed. Their feet show the wear and tear of the difficult life.

Believers and non-believers in those villages many living in small thatched huts were overjoyed that we would come into their homes and pray for them. In fact, they couldn’t believe that we would actually put our hands on them and touch them as we prayed for them. In their humble homes they would want us to sit down and they would offer us tea or coffee or “thumbs up” (their cola drink like Coke or Pepsi). If they didn’t have chairs we would sit on their cots and we would talk to them. By American standards they had nothing. They had no running water in their homes, no bathrooms, no kitchens. Most American’s have way more in one room of their house than any of these people have ever seen.

In every village we went into we preached the Gospel, gave out medicines, and fitted people for eyeglasses. The believers in those villages even though they didn’t have many of the things that we have here in the U.S. had everything that they needed. They had tremendous “joy”. They had Jesus Christ!

I admire and have tremendous respect for the Indian pastors that I met who work in those villages.  Sometimes we Americans think we know everything about everything, but I think we could learn a lot about how to live from those Christians that I met out in those villages!


I am so blessed. I will thank the Lord for His goodness. I have everything that I need.


Heavenly Father, thank You for providing for me. I have everything that I need. Help me to never forget the believers and non-believers in India. Give me Your heart for them. Help me be content. I am blessed. You have provided so much for us here in the United States. I know that you have blessed us so much so that we can travel to other countries and take the Gospel to those who have not yet heard about Jesus Christ. Don’t let me waste my resources on myself. 

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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