Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Unity…A Rare…But a Very Wonderful Experience!

Nehemiah 1; Nehemiah 2; Psalm 133; Luke 22


Psalm 133:1 "How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!"


Unity…How good and pleasant it is! When I served at First Baptist Church Brandon for about 6 years in the 90’s it was a time of incredible unity within the body of Christ. It was a wonderful experience! It was a time of unbelievable growth! Serving on staff and working with the leadership of the church was a blast because we were of one heart and one soul. God was able to some miraculous things in the life of that church! It is a rare, but a very wonderful experience!


I will continue to strive for unity within our congregation.


Heavenly Father, thank you for the new people at church yesterday. I pray for them that they may find you and that you may lead them to be a part of our fellowship. Help me to focus on lives being changed, help me to spend time with folks that have a desire to grow. Protect me from the very few that seem set on doing harm.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!


Beth said...


What God has been doing in the church through you is amazing!! Our Celebrate Recovery Program is Growing, our children's programs are really coming along and growing! LIVES ARE BEING CHANGED!!

That seems to be the whole point of having church to begin with! To help change lives. A place people can safely meet, be themselves and Learn about the sacrafice God made with his son Jesus Christ to Save us All From our Sin!

I think you are doing a wonderful job!! You and Kathy are a big part of why I attend this church! To have a pastor and wife who treat everyone as part of their family, to treat them all with love and respect! I admire the way you work!

You work for Christ and what God tells you to do! You really are an awesome pair!!!

Thank You so much for your being there when I needed the two of you!
Thank You for helping me grow in my spritual life!
I love you!

Eddy Williams said...


It would be wonderful if I had a hundred or even a thousand people like you! Thanks for the positive words. I agree that lives are being changed!

And I am very excited about what God is doing through Celebrate Recovery!

I hope that you have made that decision to have a great week!
