Saturday, November 03, 2007

Following Jesus at a distance

Job 25; Mark 13; Mark 14
Click Here To Read Today’s Daily Bible Reading


Mark 14

54 Peter followed him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest.
Peter Disowns Jesus

66 While Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the servant girls of the high priest came by. 67 When she saw Peter warming himself, she looked closely at him.
"You also were with that Nazarene, Jesus," she said.
68 But he denied it. "I don't know or understand what you're talking about," he said, and went out into the entryway.
69 When the servant girl saw him there, she said again to those standing around, "This fellow is one of them." 70 Again he denied it.
After a little while, those standing near said to Peter, "Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean."
71 He began to call down curses on himself, and he swore to them, "I don't know this man you're talking about."
72 Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times." And he broke down and wept.


Too easily it seems that we move from the excitement of Jesus’ call, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men”, to a life of following Christ but following him at a distance. I watch men who were once on fire for the Lord now seemingly following Jesus at a distance.

Disowning Christ, following him at a distance is no way to live your life. How did Peter change? The same way you and I have to change when we find ourselves at a distance from Christ we need to do as Peter did in brokenness, in tears, and in repentance. Are you following Jesus today…but at a distance?


It is my desire to follow the Lord closely and do his will.


Heavenly Father, today I give you 100% of my life. Search me oh God and show me anything in my life that does not please you so I can confess it. I don’t want anything coming between us. I don’t want to follow you at a distance. Amen.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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