Sunday, December 11, 2011

God’s powerful Word is sharper than a surgeon's scalpel

Philemon 1; Hebrews 1; Hebrews 2; Hebrews 3; Hebrews 4 

God’s powerful Word is sharper than a surgeon's scalpel


Hebrews 4 

12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. NLT

12-13God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon's scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God's Word. We can't get away from it—no matter what. Message


I have this huge scar going down the middle of my chest where the surgeon opened me up to work on my heart. God’s word does the exact same thing. There is no other book on the face of this planet that is alive and active. No other book in this world is sharper than any double-edge sword. God’s word is the only book that cuts through everything, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and on one is able to keep God’s word from penetrating them.

This passage encourages me to share God’s word with people. It encourages me to continually challenge people to open up and read God’s word. Revival would come to any church where most of the folks that attend read their Bibles on a daily basis. It would shock us if we knew how many people in our church never crack open their Bible one time during the week. Some leave their Bibles in the cars so they will have them for the next Sunday. Many don’t even do that.

I know that if someone begins to read his or her Bible on a regular basis transformation will take place in that person’s life. Why? The word of God is sharper and cuts more than any double edge sword. A double edge sword cuts both ways when it penetrates a body, but the Word of God cuts even more. It cuts through everything!

I commit myself to reading God’s Word everyday and I will not let up on encouraging people to open up and read God’s Word.  

Heavenly Father, I pray that those that attend our church would fall in love with Your Word. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would move our congregation to be people of the Word. Your Word has changed my life. Everyday it shows me things about myself that need to change. Everyday You use Your Word in my life to encourage me.

I pray for Pastor and Heather today as they lead our church. I pray that You would protect them from the evil one and from people that would want to harm them. Use the message to change lives today. I pray that You would be glorified through our worship today. I pray for the Praise team and the choir and for all of those that will be serving. Bless them. Use them today in a powerful way. You are worthy of Praise.

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