Sunday, December 18, 2011

Taking The Gospel To The People Groups Who Have Not Had The Opportunity To Hear

John 2; John 3; John 4

Taking The Gospel To The People Groups Who Have Not Had The Opportunity To Hear


John 4

34 Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. 35 You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.


I spent last night looking on the (International Mission Board) website at all of the unreached and unegaged people groups that still need to be reached with the Gospel. I printed out those that the IMB has decided are the top 12 for West Africa. It is my hope that I will be well enough in 2012 to lead our church and other churches to engage an unreached unengaged people group and send teams into that people group until we establish a group of believers that would constitute a church. There are unreached unengaged people groups all over the world that God could lead us to work with!

These people groups have generally been the most neglected and the most isolated people on our planet. This morning’s Bible reading reminded me that Jesus did just what I want to do and what all of our churches should do. The Jewish people hated and despised the Samaritans. They would travel around Samaria because of their hatred for the people that lived there even though it made their trip much longer. They would have nothing to do with the Samaritans.  

Jesus intentionally went into Samaria to reach an unreached people. He met the Samaritan woman at the well. He did something that no Jew would do He spoke to her. She was shocked. He explained to her that He had Living Water. As He talked to her she realized that He was the Messiah. This Samaritan woman went back to her village to tell everyone that she had found the Messiah. She was so excited that she left her water pot behind at the well and ran all the way back to the village. Those in the village believed the woman and hurried out to see Jesus. Jesus stayed two days in that Samaritan village and many in the village became believers.

This is exactly what God is calling us to do. We are to go to the people groups that have not yet had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. We will build relationships/friendships with them and we will win them one person at a time just like Jesus did until entire villages come to the Savior. I can visualize our winning one person to Christ and then that person sharing with someone else until the entire people group has had the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Would you go with me? Would you sacrifice your time, your comfort, your money to go on one of the first Mission Trips to help reach a people group for Christ? Let me know.  I am starting to make plans right now!

I will help our church and other churches to engage an unreached unegaged people group in 2012.


Heavenly Father, help me get well enough to once again go overseas. Give me the ability to motivate and organize our church and other churches to engage an unreached people. I know that this will make You smile. I know that nothing is on Your heart more than having the Good News reach every person on this planet. This is an exciting time to be alive. It is an exciting time to serve You. Help us to be successful for Your Kingdoms sake.

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