Monday, January 30, 2012

Grumbling and Rumblings READ About How To Deal With Them…

Exodus 25,26,27; Acts 6

Grumbling and Rumblings
READ About How To Deal With Them…

Acts 6

1 But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent.


Every church before long experiences rumblings of discontent, but how we deal with the problem(s) is the difference between church growth and church decline. The Twelve apostles chose seven men to take care of the problem. These were not just any seven men these were men who were well respected and were full of the Spirit and wisdom. It would do our churches well to follow this pattern for correcting problems and issues within the church body. 

The Apostle Paul wrote letters to many churches and in most of his letters he was addressing problems within the church. Sometimes it was something seemingly very insignificant like the two women that were at odds with each other in the church at Philippi, but other times he wrote blasting the church for their immorality (like the church at Corinth), and other times it was for their drifting away from sound Biblical doctrine (Galatians).  

Churches are going to have issues and challenges. I can confidently say that because I know that the church is made up of a bunch of sinners. Most of those attending hopefully are forgiven sinners, but sinners just the same. We are not going to see eye to eye on every detail on every situation that faces the church. That is why God has placed godly men, men that are well respected and full of the Spirit and wisdom in every church. 

Can you pick out the men in your church that fit that description? I sure can in ours and I am glad that they meet with Pastor Bruce and support him the way they do. It is one of the reasons why our church is growing the way it is – godly laymen supporting their pastor!


The next time I hear a rumbling in our church I will seek out those godly men in our church to work on solving the problem.


Heavenly Father, thank You that we have Your Word that gives us guidance and strength every day. Thank You for the godly men that You have placed in my life and for the godly men that we have in our church. I pray that Your Hand would remain on our church. I pray that You would continue to be glorified and honored with everything that happens within our fellowship. Thank You for a wonderful day of worship and fellowship yesterday. Thank You for the army of volunteers that made it so successful. Thank You for the generosity of people within our fellowship that provided the “Bar-B-Q" for our entire church. God You are so good. You are Worthy of Praise! 

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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