Friday, February 15, 2008

My Hope is in You

Leviticus 25; Psalm 25; Psalm 26; Acts 22
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading


Psalm 25

5 guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.


Yesterday I had a man come to my office very discouraged about life. He had just been released from a five day stay in the hospital the exact place where I had met him a year before. I had not heard from him during the year except for the one time when I tried to visit him at his home and he really wasn’t very interested in a visit from a preacher. But yesterday this man sadly told me that he didn’t have anything to live for and that it would be better for his family if he were dead because at least then they would have the life insurance money to live on. He said, “I don’t see much reason to continue to live.”

He was out of work and I shared with him that anytime a man does not have a job it is going to impact his self worth. God has put into every man the desire to provide for his family and a man’s self worth is wrapped up in his job.

I was able share with him that his big issue was not his loss of work as important as that was but his big issue was his relationship with God. Actually his big problem was that he didn’t have a personal relationship with God. I told him that Jesus came to this earth to give him purpose and meaning and until he put his faith and trust in Christ that he would never live and abundant life. He would only exist. He would go to work (when he found a job) to make money to eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, and a life cycle like what I just described is a life without hope.

I am grateful that this week God sent two men to my office for me to talk to them about their relationship with him. God is working in these men’s lives. God is powerful. We can put our trust, our faith, and our hope in him all day long!


I will be ready today to talk to more men about the Hope that lives in me. How about you?


Heavenly Father, I pray for these two men. I ask you to save them. Draw them into a church where they can grow spiritually. Thank you that this week one of the men in our church led a co-worker to Christ. I praise you for using our men to reach other men. Give us boldness to share with everyone that you bring across our paths. Give me discernment to know how to handle issues that I have to deal with today. I love you. You are my Hope and my Strength! Amen.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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