Monday, March 23, 2009


Joshua 15; Joshua 16; Joshua 17; 1 Corinthians 8
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 8

9 But you must be careful so that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker conscience to stumble.


There is freedom in Christ but we can’t flaunt that freedom and hurt folks that may be weaker than we are. Drinking alcohol is probably the closest example of what Paul was talking about in this passage about eating meat that had been used in idol worship. Paul said that those that were strong knew that the meat was just meat because the idols were nothing, but for those that had come out of idol worship eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols was wrong and to them it was a sin.

A drink of wine or a can of beer may not be wrong for some folks but for someone that is struggling with addiction to alcohol it is very wrong and for someone to drink in front of a believer that struggles with alcohol would be a sin because that person may cause the weaker brother to stumble.

Drinking of alcohol in itself may not be wrong, but just the results of the damage done by the alcohol industry should be enough for you to refrain from drinking. How many of you have family or friends that have been hurt by someone under the influence of alcohol?


I will help people that struggle with alcohol by encouraging them to join Celebrate Recovery and let them know that God loves them and I love them too.


Heavenly Father, I pray that I would be able to love people that struggle with alcoholism and help them walk in sobriety. Give me the strength to hang in there with them even when they act out, even when they relapse, even when they mess up. Help me today as I talk with people about their relationship with you that I would be able to communicate the Gospel clearly. Direct my thoughts and my attitudes today that they may be pleasing to You.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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