Monday, October 12, 2015

Careless Words Stab Like A Sword, But Wise Words Bring Healing

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

Careless Words
Stab Like A Sword,
But Wise Words Bring Healing

Kathy has learned to speak up when I say remarks that are hurtful and cutting. And that helps me stop and think about what I said. When she says in response to my ugliness, “what you just said hurt my feelings.” It breaks my hard heart and I immediately ask her to forgive me. What can and often does happen in a home where careless, sharp, and hurtful words are used to clobber a spouse is an immediate response by the one who was attacked. And the hurt spouse uses even more vicious careless words and so the stabbing and attacking of each other escalates and escalates until blood is everywhere!


Proverbs 12:18

Careless words stab like a sword, but wise words bring healing.


Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me! 

What a lie!

I have done more damage with careless hurtful words than I ever have with any sticks or stones!
Are you amazed at yourself at just how ugly you and your words can be? I sure am!

I can be vicious. I can be cruel. I can be so hurtful with what I say. 

And so can you!

We destroy our most precious relationships and we hurt deeply those that we should love the most with our vicious careless words!

I have memorized this verse. Why don’t you do the same? 

This is a great verse to put on your refrigerator, on a mirror in your bedroom, on the dash of your car, on your desk at work, or on all of the above. 

Kathy has learned to speak up when I say remarks that are hurtful and cutting. And that helps me stop and think about what I said. When she says in response to my ugliness, “what you just said hurt my feelings.” It breaks my hard heart and I immediately ask her to forgive me.

What can and often does happen in a home where careless, sharp, and hurtful words are used to clobber a spouse is an immediate response by the one who was attacked. And the hurt spouse uses even more vicious careless words and so the stabbing and attacking of each other escalates and escalates until blood is everywhere!

… but wise words bring healing. 

Kathy … “What you said hurt my feelings?” 

Eddy …”I love you. I am sorry. Will you forgive me?”  


I will watch my words and my tone this week as I deal with people especially with those that I love the most. How about you?


Heavenly Father, my heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? (Jeremiah 17:9) Don’t let me hurt people with careless words. Help me to use wise words with people, words that bring healing.

. I pray for young couples that are growing in their Christian faith. I pray that You help them love each other. I pray for those who are close to me that need to fall in love with You. Help them to surrender their lives to You. I pray that they come to a place in their lives where they put You first. They need Your love in their lives so that they can love their spouses in the way that You intended. Thank You for giving me a wife that is so wise. She knows how to respond to me when I am mean and she does it in a way that brings healing.


Daily Bible Reading: Nehemiah 7,8; Acts 1; Psalm 57-61; Proverbs 12

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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