Friday, January 03, 2014

But Noah Found Favor With The LORD.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
Genesis 6; Genesis 7; Genesis 8; Luke 3



Found Favor With The LORD.


Genesis 6

But Noah found favor with the Lord.


God destroyed every person on the face of the earth except for Noah and his family. As God looked over the earth the Bible says that the LORD found only one righteous man, Noah. 

If God were searching the earth for righteous men would our names come to the top of the list or would our names even be in the list at all?

It is an incredible story of faith! At 600 years old Noah was given a huge task. No electricity, no power tools, and not a lot of public support to help him build the Ark. He was probably ridiculed and laughed at everyday as his neighbors watched him construct an odd looking enormous boat in his front yard not even close to any water.

It seemed crazy I am sure, but here is the verse that sums up why God asked Noah to do the job; the answer is found in verse 22, “So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him. Obedience … God knew that Noah would do exactly what He asked him to do.

In 2014 will you and I be obedient to do everything God asks us to do?

Will we find favor with the LORD?


 I will trust in the Lord with all my heart. I will not depend on my own understanding. I will seek his will in all I do, and he will direct my paths. Proverbs 3:5-6



Heavenly Father, help me live in such a way that You find favor in me. Help me to obey You. Don’t let me let You down. Give me the faith and trust in You that Noah had as he built that Ark. I pray for Cheryl and Je Ann as they go through this very difficult time. You are the Mighty God. You are Worthy of all Praise.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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