Sunday, October 07, 2018

Stop Being Angry!

Psalm 37
8 Stop being angry!
    Turn from your rage!
Do not lose your temper—
    it only leads to harm.
I don't know why I picked this verse today out of all the verses that I read this morning. Maybe you needed it! …
Oh, I am just kidding! All of us need it!
You and I certainly live in a world or at least we certainly live in a country that is filled with anger and rage! Road rage and incidences of domestic violence make the news every day in our city.
For instance, a father losing his temper with a small child over nothing ... what is behind that anger? Why take your anger out on a small child or your precious spouse?
King David has a good word for us this morning when he says, “Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Don't lose your temper – it only leads to harm.
I wish that I could take back some of my angry moments … don't you?
I have some regrets about how I disciplined my children in moments when I was angry with them. And yes, there have been times when in anger, that I have blurted out careless, hurtful words at Kathy. And now even though I would like to re-do how I acted, and right now if I could take back my angry words I would - but I can't take back those angry moments … and my friend, neither can you.
What we can do is this … we can change how we react to our spouse, to our children, to coworkers, and to those drivers on the highway that cut us off or that drive too slow!
We can't undo the damage that our temper has already done, but we can change … so lets change so the people around us can enjoy our company.
Stop being angry – Do not lose your temper – it only leads to harm!
Proverbs 12:18
Careless words stab like a sword,
    but wise words bring healing.
I will put Psalm 37:8 into practice!
How about you?
Heavenly Father, help me be an example to those around me by controlling my temper. Keep me from making a fool of myself by losing my cool. I pray for self control. I know that self control only happens in my life when I am filled with Your Holy Spirit. So keep me close to You. Help me walk in a way that pleases You. I pray for anyone reading this blog today that might have a problem controlling his or her temper. Help them to change. Give them victory over their anger! Show them that they can treat those around them with respect, with love, and with kindness. Change the direction of their lives.
Daily Bible Reading: Ezra 7,8; Luke 20; I added Psalm 7, Psalm 37; Proverbs 7

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