Friday, April 15, 2011

Strength For Taking On Our Giants

1 Samuel 17; Psalm 9; Matthew 2
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading

Strength For Taking On Our Giants


Psalm 9

9 The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.
10 Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.


As I read in 1 Samuel 17 about David and Goliath I was reminded that there is no better place to be than right in the middle of God's will. David took on Goliath with only a sling shot. Humanly speaking the odds were definitely against him; there was no way he could beat a giant like Goliath. Goliath had a spear so big that the tip weighed a whopping 15 pounds. It had the weight of 3 five pound bags of sugar, just visualize that! He was huge. It was an impossible task humanly speaking. But God is a shelter for the oppressed (David and me) and He is a refuge in times of trouble.

We all have giants that we will face today. How will you face them? How will I do battle with them?


I will trust in the Lord. He is my refuge. He is my strength. He will fight my battles for me.


Heavenly Father, You are my shelter. You are my refuge. You are my hiding place. You give me strength to fight my Giants my Goliaths. I trust in You and I know that You will not abandon me. I will never be alone.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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