Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
2 Samuel 1; Psalm 140; Matthew 13

Biblical Story Telling

Jesus Always Used This Method 

Why Not Follow The Master Teacher’s Example?


Matthew 13

34 Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using such parables.


“Jesus always” Jesus always used stories and illustrations! I think that the word “always” is pretty significant when you think about following Jesus. If the Master always did something then I would think that we might want to pay attention to what, why, and how, He always did what He did. 

Biblical Story Telling is a way to really dig into the Bible and it is a great way to disciple those in your small group. There is a tendency to shy away from this approach and use something that is already prepared. It is surely easier to use curriculum that only requires turning on a DVD player and listening to someone teach us what he or she has learned from a Bible passage. And we have plenty of curriculums to choose from!

I am sold on Biblical Story Telling. I love it when the people in our small group tell a story from God’s word. It is huge for them. And it is huge for everyone in our group. We are all listening intently to the story. We know that this is not easy for the person to do. It requires that the person telling the story take the time to learn the story during the week before they tell it.  


I will encourage small groups to use the Biblical Story Telling approach as much as they can.


Heavenly Father, Your Word is one big “Love Story” to us. Your Word is full of wonderful stories that teach us “Truths” that You want us to remember and that You want us to follow. Give us the ability to re-tell Your stories from Your Word. Help our people learn Your Word. Bless our church and I pray that You bless our leadership team.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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