Thursday, October 02, 2014

He Counts The Stars And Calls Them All By Name

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
Zechariah 13,14; Psalms 147; Luke 15

He Counts
The Stars
And Calls Them All By Name

Hallelujah! Yes, praise the Lord!


Psalms 147

4 He counts the stars
    and calls them all by name.
How great is our Lord! His power is absolute!
    His understanding is beyond comprehension!


As I read this I became curious as to how many stars our scientists say they are. 

Here is a quote from a website and even if it is not exactly accurate I think it gives us an idea of just how big of a God we have by the number of stars He created!

“By measuring the number and luminosity of observable galaxies, astronomers put current estimates of the total stellar population at roughly 70 billion trillion.” ( Another website states, “This amount is about equal to the number of grains of sand on ALL of the beaches on planet Earth!!!”

In other words scientist don’t have a clue how many stars there are! Yet our God has them all counted and named!

It is even more precise to say that our God decided how many stars there would be and has given each one of them its name!

And to think that …

My God, the Creator of the entire Universe delights in me!

10 His pleasure is not in strong horses,
    nor his delight in brave soldiers;
11 but he takes pleasure in those who honor him,
    in those who trust in his constant love.


I will praise the Lord! It is good to sing praise to our God; it is pleasant and right to praise him. (Psalm 147:1)


Hallelujah! Yes, praise the Lord!

Praise him in his Temple and in the heavens he made with mighty power. Praise him for his mighty works. Praise his unequaled greatness. Praise him with the trumpet and with lute and harp. Praise him with the drums and dancing. Praise him with stringed instruments and horns. Praise him with the cymbals, yes, loud clanging cymbals.

Let everything alive give praises to the Lord! You praise him! Psalm 150

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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