Tuesday, July 18, 2006

How Good is Good Enough?

Isaiah 32-35; James 2


James 2:10 “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”


James warns his fellow Christians not to show favoritism to the rich and discriminate against the poor. I would have thought that James would have been considered poor, but there must have been a lot of folks that had less than even the disciples had. If you discriminate, he said then you sin. If you sin one time then you are a sinner, a lawbreaker. It doesn’t take more than one sin to make us sinners. How good does a person have to be to get into Heaven? The answer is “perfect”! God does not allow sin into Heaven!

We are all guilty and we need to be forgiven. Jesus Christ offers His sinless life in exchange for our sinful lives. We have to receive His offer. It is a gift that each one of us must individually receive for ourselves.


Everyone realizes that they are sinners. What most people do not understand is that Jesus Christ is the only solution for this sin problem. People will not know unless we tell them. The Good News that Jesus Christ died so that we can be forgiven and have everlasting life is a message that everyone must hear!


Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross in my place. I deserve to go to Hell, but I am thankful that you have forgiven me and I am on my way to Heaven. Help me to share my faith. Bring people into my life that need to hear the Gospel. Help me not to discriminate and help me to have mercy for those that are homeless and living on our streets. I pray for Robert and James today. Protect them as they live on the streets and bring people into their lives that can rescue them.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!


Anonymous said...


Thank You for posting your Blog everyday! I look forward to trying to get on to read them during my break at work. (shhhh).
Doesn't happen often.

This message really hit home. It is hard at times not to discriminate against people. In my line of work it becomes especially difficult at times. There is a lot of "Bad" folks in this world and it is hard to see past their horrific sins and "pray" for them. But I am amazed at how much I have grown over the past year and how I have been able to do just that.

I look past their Sins against "children", "spouses", etc.. and pray that God will manage to find his way into their life and change them. Its very hard! I pray that God will give me the strength to continue to serve him in this area as long as he wants me here.

I find myself praying over my cases and other work all the time. It is truly amazing the difference that I feel in my heart and my spirit, My LIFE! THANK YOU FATHER FOR GIVING YOUR SON, JESUS CHRIST, FOR MY SIN!



Eddy Williams said...


Thanks for writing! Glad you are reading the blogs. I didn't know if anyone was taking time to read them. It helps me stay on target by writing them.
