Friday, July 21, 2006

The Secret to a Powerful Prayer Life!

2 Kings 18; 2 Kings 19; 2 Chronicles 32; James 5


James 5:16 “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”


Praying for each other works! God wants us to pray for those struggling with sin. He wants us to pray for those that need to be healed. The key is to be the right kind of person when you pray. James says that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. If our prayers are not powerful and effective then maybe we better check our right standing with God.


Who am I praying for? Am I praying for people that need to be healed? Am I praying for people that are sin sick and need to get right with God? Am I confessed up and right with God so my prayers will be powerful and effective?


Heavenly Father, show me any sin in my life so I can confess it. Put people on my heart that I should pray for. Help me be a person who is righteous so my prayers can be powerful and effective.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!


Anonymous said...

I find out more and more each day just how amazing and awesome our GOD is!

The more I stay right with him and stay in prayer, the more I see God's work in everything around me. His healing powers are always at work!

I see people who are growing closer to GOD that I thought would never turn to him. I continue to pray for them that their relationships will be right with the Lord and pray for their Salvation. Lord keep working on their hearts!!! (You know who they are)!

As I grow in my prayer life, my relationship with God is building stronger everyday! I am amazed at how far I have come over the past two years. I pray to myself almost all the time, all day, over a lot of little things that I would have never even thought about praying for in the past.

I feel so different! I feel like a new person everyday!

Lord, Thank You for my Salvation and for the FREEDMON of Prayer and Worship that we have here! You are a Mighty and Awesome God!

Beth said...

oops FREEDOM...

Eddy Williams said...


I didn't see that you had written this until this morning July 25! Sorry about that!

I agree with you! You and lots of those around you have grown so much over the past couple of years. It is my joy to see this happening!

I heard you guys had 23 folks at CR! Congratulations! Keep it up!
