Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mountain Moving Faith

Matthew 20; Matthew 21; Matthew 22
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading


Matthew 21

18 In the morning, as Jesus was returning to Jerusalem, he was hungry, 19 and he noticed a fig tree beside the road. He went over to see if there were any figs, but there were only leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” And immediately the fig tree withered up.

20 The disciples were amazed when they saw this and asked, “How did the fig tree wither so quickly?”

21 Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. 22 You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.”


I can identify with Jesus when it says that He was hungry! I seem to wake up hungry and go to bed hungry, but I doubt if I have ever been hungry like those in Biblical times. Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. He experienced every kind of emotion that you and I experience.

I think that it was interesting that Jesus didn’t use His power to produce figs on the fig tree so that He could take care of His own hunger. He could have done that but He didn’t. It says that He cursed the fig tree and it immediately (supernaturally) withered. Then He used that moment to teach His disciples about prayer.

If He would have prayed and asked His Father to provide figs it would have been like the situation where the Devil tempted Jesus to turn the stones into bread. He could have done that too, but it would have been wrong.

I think of the millions of people that go hungry in this world, that do not have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. They don’t have access to the One that is the Bread of Life; they don’t have a relationship with the One Who is the Living Water.

But we do and it is our job to go and tell. He does provide for them, but not like He would if they were His children. That is why we need to go and share the Gospel with them so they can pray to God and have their prayers answered too.


I will trust God and think of this verse as I pray today: “You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.”


Heavenly Father, give me the faith to be able to pray like Jesus is telling me to pray. The word “anything” is huge. Help me have to the faith to believe this verse. Give me mountain-moving faith because I do have some mountains that need to be moved.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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