Sunday, February 19, 2012

Learn How To Do This And It Will Change Your Marriage… Not Married? Learn How To Do This And It Will Change Your Life!

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
Numbers 5; Numbers 6; Psalm 22; Acts 26

Learn How To Do This And It Will Change Your Marriage…
Not Married? Learn How To Do This And It Will Change Your Life!


Numbers 6

22 Then the LORD said to Moses, 23 “Tell Aaron and his sons to bless the people of Israel with this special blessing: 

 24 "May the LORD bless you
      and protect you.
 25 May the LORD smile on you
      and be gracious to you.
 26 May the LORD show you his favor
      and give you his peace."


If you are married do you have the habit of giving your spouse a kiss before you leave the house to go to work? I hope that you at least you still do that for each other!

A few years ago I was attending a Marriage Seminar with my wife Kathy and learned something that I needed to start doing in our marriage. It is something that is so much more important than giving her that quick kiss before I go out the door. Even though that quick kiss and a hug are super important in maintaining a great marriage!

The conference leader told us guys that we needed to pray a blessing over our wife everyday before we left the house. I had never thought of doing that before, but I think about it all the time now!

It was good to read this passage this morning because I have gotten slack in praying a blessing over my wife everyday before we go our separate ways. Don’t get me wrong I still pray for her everyday and we read together from 2 devotional books everyday while I eat my breakfast, but I have to get back to praying a specific blessing over her every morning before I go out the door. It should be as consistent as giving her that good-bye kiss every morning. Some of you guys need to get back to do that too!

This blessing found in Numbers 6 is a good blessing to pray over your wife each day and of course you can change it and use your own words and put it into the context of the world you are living in.


I will do my best to pray a blessing over Kathy everyday this week.


Heavenly Father, it is amazing that you even bother to hear our prayers. We are nothing compared to You. You instruct us to pray blessings over people so You can bless them. Help me to be more diligent in asking You to bless the people that I am praying for - especially Kathy. I pray a blessing on our church today. Bless our pastor and his family and our lead team and their families. May You bless them and protect them. May You smile on them and be gracious to them. May You show Your favor on them and give them Your peace.  

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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