Saturday, September 05, 2020

Give Your Burdens To The LORD, And He Will Take Care Of You. He Will Not Permit The Godly To Slip And Fall.

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Give Your Burdens To The LORD,

And He Will Take Care Of You.

He Will Not Permit The Godly To Slip And Fall.


Psalm 55

22 Give your burdens to the Lord,
    and he will take care of you.
    He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.


As I talk to people at the hospital and they share with me about the illness that brought them into the hospital they will also regularly share with me about all the stress that is going on in their lives. Stress will do it.

Maybe that describes you right now. You are not in the hospital yet, but your life, as a friend of ours always says when we ask her how she is doing says, “I am inside out and upside down!” Maybe that describes how you feel today.

Life lived out without trusting and depending on God is full of stress and turmoil and ultimately sickness. Our bodies were never made to carry all of life's burdens and problems. God designed us to live our lives dependent on Him.

All of those burdens, all of those things that we worry about, all of those fears, all of those problems, all of those things that create stress, we must roll them over on the Lord and let Him handle them. Yes, that thing or things or person(s) that you and I are always thinking about, always on the phone talking about, or that is keeping us up at night and not letting us sleep – we have to roll those over on the Lord and let Him handle them.

Why don't we do that … because we are hard-headed!

Talking to God in prayer and holding on tightly to all of God's promises are the great stress relievers!


When I find that my life is “inside out and upside down” I will pray and roll over on to the Lord all of my stress and chaos.

How about you?


Heavenly Father, there are so many things in life that come at me and they are so big, so impossible, and yet they are nothing for You. Help me not to be so hard-headed that I stress over them before I give them to You. I know that nothing is too hard for You. Thank You for reminding me that I am just a sheep and You are the Shepherd. Nothing can touch my life without Your permission. Help me to walk by faith today.

Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 25,26,27,28; Revelation 10; I added: Psalm 5, Psalm 55; Proverbs 5

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