Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hey Church! We Are The Body Of Christ! Don’t Read This If You Have A Weak Stomach!

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
Judges 1; Judges 2; Judges 3; 1 Corinthians 12

Hey Church! We Are The Body Of Christ!

Don’t Read This If You Have A Weak Stomach!


1 Corinthians 12

26 If one part of the body suffers, then all the other parts suffer with it. Or if one part is honored, then all the other parts share its honor.


I hope that you take time to read all of 1 Corinthians 12 today! I am just focusing on one little verse but I could have written about the whole chapter.

The other day I was tinkering around in my garage and was trying to cut a piece of plexiglass for a little project I am working on. To cut a piece of plexiglass you take a straight edge and you etch a mark down the glass with a razor blade knife. I was doing just fine until my razor blade knife veered off course and instead of cutting the plexiglass it went for my middle finger.

When you are pulling that razor blade knife with enough force to cut into that plexiglass I don’t need to tell you what it can do to the soft end of a finger. It made a clean cut and filleted the side of the tip of my middle finger right off. I started to faint but then I realized that Kathy wasn’t home and she wasn’t going to be happy with me if she came in and found me on the floor. So I sucked it up and didn’t faint. Bleeding after you have had open-heart surgery is always an issue and I knew that I was going to have trouble holding pressure on the wound and trying to get it bandaged up, but I did it.

Now my middle finger on my left hand is not a big part of my body, but since I whacked part of it off it has had the attention of the rest of my entire body. When one part of your body is hurting … your whole entire body is hurting. My body has made sure that I have babied that middle finger because if I don’t then my whole body knows that it is in for pain again.

This is the way it is with the church. When one member of the body is hurting the whole entire church is hurting. When Pastor Bruce shared that his little daughter Gwyn was in the Pediatric Emergency room on Sunday morning instead of being at church I immediately began hurting for her and his wife Heather (especially because I know what it is like to spend time in Emergency rooms.) It was like the pain of a razor blade knife slicing through my middle finger!
This is the way the Body of Christ is supposed to function!


I will be more careful with razor blade knives! Just kidding!

I will continue to hurt for and minister to those in our church that are having a difficult time. 


Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful church. Our small group is a great example of how church is supposed to be. Last night so many in our group asked for prayer for people that were hurting, that were out of work, that needed healing. It was the body of Christ being concerned for the rest of the body. Thank You for allowing me to be a part of that prayer time. I know that You smiled on our small group last night because their focus was not on themselves but on others around them. Amen.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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