Sunday, November 04, 2018

Don't Get Sidetracked

Proverbs 4
27 Don’t get sidetracked;
    keep your feet from following evil.

One of the things about getting old is that it is so easy to get sidetracked.
I can walk out to the garage to do something, then something catches my eye that needed attention so I start messing with it and then I totally forget to do what I went out to the garage to do.
Or worse yet, I might walk out to the garage, or might walk from one end of the house to the other and totally forget why I made the trip. Of course, the latter is just be absent minded and not getting sidetracked!
Men, Satan wants to get you sidetracked. He doesn't want you and I to finish well. We have so many examples of men in the Bible who did not finish well.
As I have heard my good friend, James Hartley, say several times as he has had the opportunity to challenge groups of Christian men, “Men, we tend to be poor finishers. We need to finish well.”
Right now I am watching some people who started out well in their Christian walk, but they have now gotten sidetracked. They were growing in Christ, their marriages were doing great, they were enthusiastically serving the Lord, but then they got sidetracked, now things are not good at all, in fact, they are miserable.
All you and I have to do is to look a few verses above verse 27 in Proverbs 4 to find the answer to how to keep from being “sidetracked”. The answer is found in Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”
Lets guard our hearts! Our enemy, Satan, wants to get us sidetracked and he wants to keep us sidetracked!
Maybe you need to repent, asking God to forgive you. Maybe you need to get back on “track” to putting God first, others second and serving Him.
I will guard my heart so I finish well.
How about you?


Heavenly Father, help me to finish well. At the end of my life, when I stand before you I want you to be able to say to me, “Well done my good and faithful servant”. I pray for the men that I know. Help them to lead godly lives. Help them to be men of integrity. Help them to be the best husbands and the best dads. Don't let them get sidetracked.
I pray for a couple of guys right now who have been sidetracked and who are living lives that are contradictory to the message of Christ give these men the courage and the humility to repent. Help them to get back on track in their Christian walk. I pray for their wives as they live with these men that have been sidetracked in their Christian walk. Give these women the strength to hold on until their husbands get back on track and are back, once again, serving you.
Daily Bible Reading: Job 26,27; Mark 15,16; I added: Psalm 4, Psalm 34, Proverbs 4

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