Tuesday, September 01, 2015

In Peace I Will Lie Down And Sleep, For You Alone, O LORD, Will Keep Me Safe

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

In Peace
I Will Lie Down And Sleep,
For You Alone, O LORD, Will Keep Me Safe

God woke me up this morning at around 5! Immediately I was impressed to pray for people. One right after another God brought people to my mind. I knew that He wanted me to pray for them. As I prayed for some people who are very dear to Kathy and I God showed me that my attitude towards them needed to be adjusted. I needed to have a more compassionate heart for them.


Psalm 4

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
    for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.


As I read Psalm 4 this morning I remembered a 3 x 5 index card on the night stand over on Kathy’s side of the bed. Kathy has written Psalm 4:8 on that card and has plans to memorize it.

One of the verses that God often brings to my mind at night when I cannot sleep is Isaiah 26:3 which says, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Yes, I memorized it in the King James Version of the Bible!

God woke me up this morning at around 5! Immediately I was impressed to pray for people. One right after another God brought people to my mind. I knew that He wanted me to pray for them. As I prayed for some people who are very dear to Kathy and I God showed me that my attitude towards them needed to be adjusted. I needed to have a more compassionate heart for them.

One young man who is very close to us recently thanked me for speaking truth to him from God’s word and he let me know that he was taking steps to get things right in his life.

But another young man who I have tried to encourage and who I have tried to speak truth into his life thinks all of us who have tried to help him are just judging him. And he evidently has no intention, at least not at this moment, of changing the direction of his life. Oh, how I hurt for him and his family.

Even though the Lord woke me up early (for me) this morning to talk to Him I do want you to know that when I went to bed last night I fell asleep secure in the promises of Isaiah 26:3 and Psalm 4:8 and many more.   

If you have trouble going to sleep at night why don’t you try memorizing some scripture verses that God can bring to your mind that will help you sleep.

If you wake up during the middle of the night and can’t sleep, maybe it is because the Lord wants to have a talk with you. Maybe God wants you to intercede for some people and ask Him to help them. 


When I wake up and can’t sleep I will intercede for those that God brings to my mind and heart. How about you? 


Heavenly Father, help me have the right attitude towards those that You bring into my life. I pray that You will change the hearts of those who have decided to disregard Your word and who have rejected godly counsel. I know that I am broken and I am sinful and I realize that I am capable of doing exactly what they are doing. Give me the right words to say to people when I need to exhort them or correct them. And also help me to receive godly counsel when I get off Your path. Don’t let me be hard headed. Don’t let pride keep me from walking close to You.

Daily Bible Reading:  Ezekiel 15,16; Psalms 70; Revelation 6; Psalms 1-5

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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