Saturday, December 24, 2016

Jesus Knew That His Mission Was Now Finished

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

Jesus Knew
That His Mission
Was Now Finished


John 19

28 Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to fulfill Scripture he said, “I am thirsty.” 29 A jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it up to his lips. 30 When Jesus had tasted it, he said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.


Christmas as wonderful as it is does not tell us the whole story! 

The little baby of the Christmas story came into this world on mission. 

The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:11-12) 

Is He your Savior? Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners – He came to save you and me. 

Do you know personally the Christ of Christmas? If you were to die today where would you spend Eternity? 

“… So God did what the law could not do. He sent his own Son in a body like the bodies we sinners have. And in that body God declared an end to sin’s control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins.” Romans 8:3


I am going to enjoy Christmas this year no matter what! Jesus Christ is the Reason for the Season.  How about you?


Heavenly Father, I wonder what You think about the way we humans celebrate the birth of Your Son. I know that it doesn’t surprise You. In the midst of all the glitter and lights, in the middle of all of the hustle and bustle, I am sure that You are able to find and spot true worshipers. Help me to be one of them! 

Daily Bible Reading:  John 19,20,21

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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