Monday, September 17, 2018

Look, I Am Coming Soon!

I Am
Coming Soon!
Revelation 22
12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me,and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 
13 I am the Alpha and the Omega,the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Here's why it matters how we live our lives as Christians, at least here is one good reason … because when Jesus returns … He is going to reward each person according to what we have done.
Our good works do not save us, but God is keeping track of them to reward us when we get to Heaven!
Here is another reason, and this is something that we Christians seem to easily forget or just totally ignore, that even though the penalty of our sins is forgiven, we still have to live with the consequences of our sins.
And our sins not only have terrible consequences for us, but they also have severe consequences on our family.
What are you doing to your wife or husband? What are you doing to your kids or grand kids?
Adultery, sexual immorality, gambling, drunkenness, gluttony, lying, stealing, murder, etc., yes, and all other horrible sins that you and I commit or could commit are all covered by the blood of Christ, but the consequences of our sin – Oh, what horrible damage they cause!
If you are caught up in some sin right now … think … turn back to God … confess that sin … before more damage, more destruction is done to yourself or before you wreak more havoc on those you love!

I confess that I am a sinner. I will confess my sins as I commit them. I do not want to damage myself or my family by indulging in sin.
I want to finish well.
How about you?

Heavenly Father, help those I know who at this very moment are living in sin. They can't see how much hurt, how much damage that they are causing to themselves or to their family. Open up their eyes. Show them what they are doing. Give them the courage to turn back to You. Give them the courage to get things right with their spouse. Get them quickly to a place of honesty, humility and brokenness, so they can be saved from destruction. I know that You are watching how we live. I know that You will reward us for all that we have done to further Your Kingdom. Help me to stay focused on Your stuff and don't let my focus be on me, myself, and I.
Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 42,43,44; Revelation 22

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