Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Then You Will Know That I Am The LORD

You Will Know
That I Am The LORD
Ezekiel 22
“…Then you will know that I am the LORD.”
What is it going to take for you to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior? I am so glad that at nineteen God saved me. He saved me from a life of self- destruction.
I was heading the wrong direction. Kathy and I had just been married for about a year and I was on a path that would have led to a life of misery for the both of us.
No, I wasn’t a murderer but I was living a life filled with sin and self. Life was all about me. When I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christ I turned from my life of sin and self and turned to God. I committed my life to Him. Now I live for Him. Don’t worry I still sin and mess up, but my life is not committed to a life of sin and selfish living like it was before.
So, what about you? what will it take for you to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is LORD?
It is a dangerous prayer but Kathy and I pray for our loved that are not walking with the LORD and we ask God, “Please do whatever it takes to get their attention so that they will know that You are the LORD!”
It is a dangerous prayer as we think about what it might take to get their attention, but for us it is the only way to pray. We want them in Heaven with us and we don’t want them missing the blessings that God has for them here on this earth! God has blessed Kathy and I so much!
I will continue to pray for people that are not walking with the LORD asking God to do whatever it takes to bring them to salvation and bring them to a life of obedience.
Heavenly Father, thank You for saving me. I didn’t deserve it. I don’t deserve it today. I pray for those that we know that are not living like You even exist. As I read in the books of Ezekiel and Revelation they are living on very dangerous ground. You will let them know that You are the LORD. I pray that they come under conviction of their sins and that they turn to You for salvation. Please do whatever it takes for them to find salvation in You.
Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 22; Ezekiel 23; Ezekiel 24; Revelation 9

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