Friday, January 14, 2011

What Do You Own? What Own’s You?

Genesis 34; Genesis 35; Genesis 36; Luke 14
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading

What Do You Own? What Own’s You?


Luke 14

33 So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own.


What are you holding onto that you are not willing to give up for the kingdom of God? What are you holding onto so tight that it is keeping you from doing or being all that God wants you to be or wants you to do? Riches and stuff have wings and they can be here today and can be gone tomorrow. Millionaires are just a moment away from having nothing, and you and I have watched it happen over the last couple of years in our country!

I talked to a former millionaire last night that had nothing but had everything because he had come to Christ since losing everything. So he lost everything to really gain everything. Everything that he had lost was nothing, but what he gained was priceless! Are you following me? Having a relationship with Christ is everything; it is priceless!


I will not hold on too tightly to anything that is in my possession because it is not mine.


Heavenly Father, I pray for Tony who I met last night. As you know he once had lots of stuff and now he doesn’t but now he has a personal relationship with Christ so now he is very rich. I pray that you bless he and his family. I pray that you help him find a church where he can plug in and where he can grow. Thank You for showing him that having stuff doesn’t compare to knowing You. I pray today that You help me encourage men to walk close to You.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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