Saturday, November 10, 2012

If You Buy Something, It Should Not Matter To You That You Own It. You Should Use The Things Of The World Without Letting Them Become Important To You.”

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
Job 35; Job 36; 1 Corinthians 7; 1 Corinthians 8 

If You Buy Something, It Should Not Matter To You That You Own It. 

You Should Use The Things Of The World

Without Letting Them Become Important To You.”


1 Corinthians 7

“…If you buy something, it should not matter to you that you own it. 31 You should use the things of the world without letting them become important to you. This is how you should live, because this world, the way it is now, will soon be gone.”


Okay! I have to confess that I having been looking at big flat screen televisions since I came back from our trip to the mountains. It seemed like everyone that we visited on our trip had at least one in his or her home!

I wandered through Best Buy yesterday while Kathy was shopping and I was amazed at how many there are and how big they are! Gee!!! You can even make Skype phone calls on them! What will they think of next?

The Apostle Paul’s words hit hard this morning as I think about all the stuff I have accumulated. An Eddy paraphrase of these verses is “Don’t let the stuff you own and that I own… own us.”

None of those “toys” are cheap and they can quickly own us. Look at all the people that have put all that neat stuff on a credit card(s) and are working night and day to pay for things they no longer have time to enjoy!

With all of the new technology that bombards us everyday it is very hard not to get caught up in having the latest model of something whether it is the newest model I-Phone, the latest tablet or laptop, or a Prius hybrid (it was a rental car that we took to the mountain that averaged 44 miles to the gallon on our trip J)

The Apostle Paul says, “Don’t do it!” And here is why, “because this world, the way it is now, will soon be gone.”

Good word for me this morning! How about you?  


I will be thankful for all the stuff I have. I will make sure that all of it has been turned over to God and that none of it owns me! I will make sure that none of it is important to me – this includes my kayak - ouch! 


Heavenly Father, help me always remember that stuff is just stuff and none of it is important. One day all of it will be gone. Your kingdom is what is important and helping it grow is my main task. People are important, not stuff. Help me to remember that!

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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