Friday, May 01, 2015

Lord, How Often Should I Forgive Someone Who Sins Against Me?

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

How Often Should I Forgive Someone
Who Sins Against Me? 

Here is the million dollar question, “Who are you unwilling to forgive?”


Matthew 18

21 Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”

22 “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!


Nothing is more destructive. It is the worst kind of cancer. It robs a person’s joy. It enslaves them. It affects and messes up every other relationship in their life. What is it? It is un-forgiveness!

Un-Forgiveness! It is Satan’s tool to keep you from being all that God intended for you to be!

I see it all the time!

Christians unwilling to forgive other believers!

Sometimes it is an unforgiving wife or an unforgiving husband, or both! Sometimes it is someone that has hurt us verbally and has slandered us. It could have been a business partner or an employee who did not protect the company.

I hear people sometimes say, “I have forgiven so and so”, but they continue to hold on to resentment and they are still not able to say one nice thing about the person who has hurt them. Even though they say they have forgiven the person … they really have not! They refuse to reconcile with the person even though the other person desperately wants the relationship to be restored. Hearts of stone! Knuckleheads! Stupid! It is so stupid and so unlike God … so unlike our Heavenly Father. And it is so sad.

We must keep on forgiving that person every time Satan brings that hurt or hurts back to our mind - Seventy times seven!

My Dad did a lot to hurt our family. He divorced my Mom and then later married a girl that was about my age. The divorce was ugly and my Dad walked away with everything. My Mom was left with pretty much nothing. All the land and properties that he had inherited from his parents and from my great uncle they all went to his new family.

 Even today when I think about my Dad I begin to feel resentment building up in my heart. I have to keep forgiving even though he is dead and has been dead for a long time I must keep forgiving him.

If you and I don’t keep on forgiving … the resentment will destroy us! Even a dead person can control us if you and I don’t continually practice unconditional forgiveness.

Here is the million dollar question, “Who are you unwilling to completely forgive?”


I will continue to try to help people see the importance of unconditional forgiveness.


Heavenly Father, un-forgiveness, resentment, retaliation and revenge are some of Satan’s most used tools to render us ineffective. Help me not to hold grudges. Help me to forgive each and every time that someone hurts me and/or my family. Give me Your heart for the people around me.

Daily Bible Reading:  1 Chronicles 14,15; Psalm 132; Matthew 18

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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