Sunday, February 21, 2016

If A Soldier Demands That You Carry His Gear For A Mile, Carry It Two Miles

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

If A Soldier
Demands That You Carry His Gear For A Mile,
Carry It Two Miles

I heard a sermon during a chapel service when I was attending Dallas Baptist University and the preacher was preaching on going the “second mile”. I don’t remember exactly what he said about it, but I know that when I got home I told Kathy that I was always would wash the dishes at our house. It was going to be my job! Now when we our kids were young they took their turn washing dishes, but now that they are out of the house I got my job back. Doing more than what is expected. Doing more than what you have to do.


Matthew 5

41 If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles.


A Roman soldier legally could make a Jew carry his gear, weighing 60/70 pounds for one mile. Of course, this was degrading and I am sure that the unfortunate Jewish man that had to do it hated every inch of the journey! Jesus said that the way to turn this bad situation around was to keep on going once you walked the mile and carry the guys stuff another mile!

I heard a sermon during a chapel service when I was attending Dallas Baptist University and the preacher was preaching on going the “second mile”. I don’t remember exactly what he said about it, but I know that when I got home I told Kathy that I was always would wash the dishes at our house. It was going to be my job! Now when we our kids were young they took their turn washing dishes, but now that they are out of the house I got my job back.

Doing more than what is expected. Doing more than what you have to do.

This week two men that attend our church helped me with a project that I am doing here at the house. It is hard “back breaking” kind of work. These guys went the second mile to help me and I will never forget what they did! They went the second mile for me!


I will try to do more than what is expected of me. How about you?


Heavenly Father, I do not handle interruptions very well. You know this more than anyone else. I am so glad that I can come to You and I can ask Your forgiveness when I mess up. Help me to be able to cheerfully go the second mile for those who sometimes make demands on me that change my schedule. I don’t want to be a grouch. I don’t like it when I am. Thank You for Kathy who takes the brunt of all my shortcomings. Thank You for giving me a wife that goes the second and third mile for me.

Daily Bible Reading:  Numbers 8,9; Acts 28; Psalm 21; Proverbs 21; Matthew 5:33-42

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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